What is the phobia of disease

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Albuminurophobia: Fear of kidney disease. Cypridophobia, Cypriphobia, Cyprianophobia: Fear of prostitutes or STD. More? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-phobia-of-disease ]
More Answers to “What is the phobia of disease
Is Commitment Phobia An Incurable Disease?
Are you dating a man who suffers from commitment phobia? You love him and you want a lasting commitment with him, but you just can’t seem to get him to commit. You give each other your heart and you have both put all your feelings on the t…
Do nosy people have a phobia or disease?
Phobia’s are fears. Diseases are pathological conditions of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of sig…
What phobia is the fear of kidney disease?
Albuminurophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of kidney disease

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What is the disease / phobia that characterizes a person’s fear to be touched?
A: Touched, being touched- Aphenphosmphobia, Haphephobia or Haptephobia or Chiraptophobia.
Has America named a disease or phobia for people who are afraid of midgets or dwarfs yet?
A: Fear of Little People: Faux Phobia?http://www.livescience.com/blogs/2008/03/28/fear-of-little-people-faux-phobia/Seemingly strange fears pepper the collective psyche of the human race, such as phobias of the sun (heliophobia), hair (chaetophobia) and even vegetables (lachanophobia).A recent news article hints at the existence of a phobia of little people, a term referring those of smaller statures (4 feet 10 inches or shorter, according to Little People of America).Ethan Wade, who describes himself as a little person, went inside a Greenville County, S.C. burger joint to correct his drive-through window order. As he walked up to the register, an employee behind the counter allegedly “threw her hands up in the air, started yelling ‘Oh, my gosh! Oh my gosh!’ and ran to the back of the restaurant, continuing to yell as she was in back of the restaurant,” Wayne is quoted as saying in an article published by WYFF4 of South Carolina.The woman then claimed she had a phobia of little people.So far, no such phobia is recognized by any institution — clinical or otherwise — despite the fact that many people claim their fear should be. Coulrophobia, or the fear of clowns, is likewise not medically recognized but commonly held to exist.Recent studies show that humans are evolutionary equipped to acquire phobias of living things (such as bats, rats and snakes), but only time and more research can tell if little people fit into that framework.Phobia List – An A to Z List of Phobiashttp://psychology.about.com/od/phobias/a/phobialist.htmThe Phobia Listhttp://www.phobialist.com/reverse.html
Whats the disease or phobia called mostly girls get when they are scared about looks and cant look in the mirr
Q: in the mirror? Im not talking about anorexia .
A: You are probably thinking of something called “Body Dysmorphic Disorder” (see reference below). It’s not as much like a phobia where people are literally scared to look in the mirror, but they often are excessively concerned and distressed about their looks or a specific part of their body.
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