How do I improve my memory

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do I improve my memory”,you can compare them.

To help memory, involve as many senses as possible. Even if you’re a visual learner, read out loud what you want to remember. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do I improve my memory
The memory is very precious to us as it is a window to the events that have taken place in our lives. It can be frustrating though when you remember something that occurred 20 years ago but not what you need to pick up at the store this aft…
There are lots of vitamins and supplements on the market that can help with memory. The most basic would be a good Vitamin-B Complex, which is pretty cheap and you can find them anywhere. Also, if you’re taking a multivitamin, they come wit…
Video: Arthur Bornstein (Founder, The Bornstein School for Memory Training) gives expert advice on: How do I improve my memory?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I improve my memory of things that happened days and months ago?
Q: I am having problems at work because I can’t remember things that happened days and months ago, specifics on customers, time it took to accomplish tasks, it’s like as soon as it isn’t relevant my brain dumps the information. It’s become a problem and I am constantly apologizing for my “bad” memory. I’m 23 years old, I shouldn’t have this bad of a memory! Are there exercies, supplements or other remedies that are proven to improve memory?
A: try to keep a note of the things.
What are some ways to improve memory and concentration?
Q: I am about to give a few important exams, and have a lot to read in just a few days. What can I do to improve my memory and concentration?
A: Remember to eat well, little and often is best with fruit and veg, fish and chicken. Berries are better for brain function and green veg try vitamin supplements like fish oils use a high dose if you’re a veggie use flax seed instead and don’t forget to hydrate yourself with water not tea/coffee/cola/red bull.Try a few warm up exercises for your brain with puzzles that you enjoy at the start of the day, and put a time limit on the revision. Relaxing and sleeping is equally important so have a study chart for each day and try to stick with it….don’t push your brain to remember things once it switches off or feels tired rest.The brain can also take in informtion while sleeping so if some of the exams are based around a book play it them on cd during the night while you’re sleeping, but don’t skip reading the same info during the day the cds are just to inforce the knowledge.
How to improve memory easily and rapidly?
Q: Hi, friends if u have some easy to practice trics and techniques to improve memory power easily and in short duration of time.Then please tell me.
A: you’ll love this, Alzheimer’s patients have been put into studies into recent years in the early onset of the disease which is producing interesting results as to the cause of the disease and ways in which to fend it off. Alzheimer’s as you know is a disease that affects memory in it’s recipients and slowly deteriorates their memory, studies are showing that games such as sudoku and word searches and crosswords daily exercise your memory and help to stave of the disease, these practices and games are sure to help with and memory problems that you have, and lower your chances of catching “the long good-bye” in the future. Good luck
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