What is the fear of ladybugs

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the fear of ladybugs”,you can compare them.

The fear of ladybugs would be Entomophobia, which is the fear of insects. Ephebiphobia is the fear of teenagers. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fear-of-ladybugs ]
More Answers to “What is the fear of ladybugs
What is the fear of ladybugs called
Coccinellidaephobia is the name for the fear of ladybugs.Thanks for using ChaCha!
What phobia is the fear of ladybugs?
There is no specific phobia for the fear of ladybugs, probably the closest one is Entomophobia which is the fear of insects.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is it called when you have a fear of ladybugs?
A: its Coccinellidaephobia:D
What is the fear of lady bugs?
Q: I have an irrational fear of ladybugs, and i was wondering what that’s called, like what phobia it’s called. Thanks (:
A: Its called Coccinellidaephobia.
What animals or insects eat ladybugs?
Q: I live in an old house and this winter I’ve been coexisting with an endless horde of ladybugs. I understand they are good luck and are cute as the dickens, but I fear that when spring gets here they may take over my room…and I have no where else to play Mario Galaxy on my Wii. So before they stage a coup I would like to know how I can help nature, help me.
A: Your best bet is a vacuum cleaner. It’s not natural, but better than the alternative of bringing ladybug predators into the house.Ladybugs have many natural forms of defense. They are red, which often indicates poison. They play dead, and excrete yellow, bad smelling blood when threatened, which is enough to deter mammals who generally have a good sense of smell.”There are lots of animals and insects that prey upon ladybugs. Some insect-eating birds, like martins, swallows, swifts and crows. Insect-eating insects prey on ladybugs like dragonflies, assassin bugs, parasitic wasps, and ants. Other predators include tree frogs, anoles, parasites, fungus and mites.”http://www.ladybuglady.com/LadybugsFAQ.htm
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