How do you get rid of an anger issue

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you get rid of an anger issue”,you can compare them.

The best way to get rid of anger is to use the F.A.Y method – Step 1 – F= Feel The Anger (Build All Of Your Anger MORE? ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you get rid of an anger issue
How to get rid of anger issues?
I have moved to a foreign country 28 years ago. Naturally people do things differently in other countries and most would not know any other way. So I have learned to treat them with understanding. Sometimes I don’t do things their way, some…
How should you control anger?
Anger is the most dangerous and detrimental to Sadhana. If a thief enters a house, some items (furniture etc.) still remain un-stolen. But if a house catches fire, everything is reduced to ashes. If the fire of anger overtakes our mind, our…
Do you mind if I punch your face to get rid of my anger issues??
sure sure go ahead, but it wont help your anger issues cause then I would just have to hit you back and you would hit me then it would be a never ending cycle until both of us were lying on the floor in a bloody pulp still angry but too tir…

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How do you get rid of anger issues?
Q: i have some anger issues, like i get mad really easily! i am getting really ticked off cuz of dat! can u guys give me some advice?!!? =(
A: Count 1-10 real slow when you are about to blow up.
How to get rid of anger issues?
Q: I get really mad when people say that I’m stupid cause I’m foreignI get more angry than necessarynow how do I clear that?
A: I have moved to a foreign country 28 years ago. Naturally people do things differently in other countries and most would not know any other way. So I have learned to treat them with understanding.Sometimes I don’t do things their way, sometimes I make a genuine mistake and I’ll do better next time. If they call me a fool, I laugh it off. Bottom line: Don’t worry about what they say and don’t take yourself too seriously.Check out the web address below
I want to get rid of my anger issues. How can I do this?
Q: I have anger issues and I hate it. I want it to just disappear and because I am pretty good at other things but this always messes me up in everything. People always make fun of me and nothing like ignoring them or calming down work, its just impossible! Even my parents and siblings do it and they always pressure me which causes me to get angry, and I usually break the vase in my room, kick open boxes, pull out my dresser and other things like that and then it gets me in trouble. Nobody really understands
A: Dude, I totally know how you feel!Whenever I get mad, I used to just go up to my room, and I start kicking things and hitting the walls, and my mom used to get so mad at me for this.But my oldest sister said to me that I should try to control my temper, and I did, for her.Instead of going into my room and hitting things, I just took a deep breath and thought of the positive things in my life. Like, if I don’t have a temper tantrum, I won’t get in trouble, and then I’ll be able to easily forget what made me mad!You should try this too, it worked for me. Just take deep breaths when you get angry, and drinking water helps too.Hope I helped. = )
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