How do you know your obsessed with someone

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If this person is always on your mind, I mean ALWAYS, and you want to be near them ALL the time, you are obsessed. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you know your obsessed with someone
I would say when it gets in the way of doing what’s important, such as, work, school, and family – of course you are to determine what is important, it shouldnt be the person/objective of your obssesion, but some thing that is accepted by t…
I think if you care about someone its only natural to do those things. I have been going through the same thing this week and why does it have to be labeled “obsession?” Why cant someone just make you happy and you want them to …
When you cant keep your mind off of them. When everything you do, everything you say, everything around you somehow reminds you of that special some one. When your trying to focus, deep in thought at work, at school… they enter your mind …

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