What is the phobia of balloons

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Some online sites say globophobia is the fear of balloons; but it’s not found in any dictionary or in the official phobia list. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-phobia-of-balloons ]
More Answers to “What is the phobia of balloons
Does anyone else have a phobia of balloons?
My nephew was petrified of balloons every birthday party was a nightmare because if anyone went near him he would freak out but then my sister brought some and made him laugh by makin them make funny noises and fly around and let him play w…
Do you have a specific phobia of balloons?
I have a specific phobia of idiots
What is the phobia for being afraid of popping balloons??
Fear of balloons popping is a very common form of irritation and can be categorized as fear of loud noises: Ligyrophobia. The fear of balloons, by itself, is Globophobia.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone else have a phobia of balloons popping?
Q: I of course can’t help it but I have a phobia of balloons popping. Not just balloons. I love balloons but I can’t handle it when they pop. I start hyperventilating, crying, and my heart beats faster. Is this normal? Am I alone on this?
A: What you are describing sounds like a true phobia. I hate it when people think they have a phobia of something but they don’t even know what it is really like. Any why the symptoms you describe hyperventilating, crying, heart beats faster, are very common when a person with a true phobia is exposed to what they are phobic of. It is called a panic attack.
does anyone out there know someone with a phobia of balloons?
Q: my partner has a really bad phobia of balloons anyone else got this or got ideas how to overcome it?
A: I too have a really bad phobia of balloons. I’m ok with the helium ones, but the rubber ones REALLY freak me out. I just can’t go near one whether it’s been blown up or not.I thought I was weird by having this phobia (called globophobia), but there are some things that can be done to overcome this. Such as hypnotherapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (deconditioning – a gradual exposure to the feared item) etc.
what is the name of the phobia for hot air balloons?
Q: i’ve looked everywhere for a name for my phobia, its just hot air balloons, not normal balloons, but it also includes those large telescopes such as the one at Jodrell Bank……. does anyone else have the same thing?? and does anyone know what it’s called??i can’t believe there’s a phobia for people scared of things on the left side of their body, but not for the phobia of hot air balloons!
A: The fear of balloons is Globophobia. Therefore, (if my latin is correct) the fear of hot air balloons should be Fervensaerglobophobia.
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