How do you lie to a lie detector test

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Liars can beat the test by covertly augmenting their physiological reactions to the “control” questions. This can be done, MORE [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you lie to a lie detector test
How to Pass a Lie Detector Test
・ 1 Stay calm. A polygraph test measures heart rate, pulse and body temperature. If you get upset, your… ・ 2 Cooperate with the test administrator. They will attach the various sensors to you. Your cooperation… ・ 3 Follow the instructio…
What is a Lie Detector Test?
A lie detector can include a polygraph, deceptograph, voice stress analyzer, psychological stress evaluator, or any other similar device. These devices are used to render an opinion regarding the honesty or dishonesty of an individual. A “…
Can I require them to take a lie detector test?
No. A federal law called the Employee Polygraph Protection Act (and the laws of many states) prohibits almost all employers from asking or requiring applicants to take a lie detector test. The only exception is for employers that deal in …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How does a lie detector test pick up that a person is lieing?
Q: What if the person is telling the truth, is it still possible for the lie detector test to say that it is a lie.
A: It measures your body’s response to the answer you give. If you are lying, it is more likely that your body’s reflexes will produce a nervous reaction that the machine can measure. When you’re telling the truth, the machine will give a normal reading. That is the theory behind the device. It also requires a person who has been trained in how to use the equipment. It takes a lot of specialized training to be able to operate the equipment properly.
Have u passed a lie detector test even though u were lying? How? Is it easier 4 someone in the military 8 yrs?
Q: Is it a waste of time to have someone who has been in the military for 8 yrs and seems to be a pathological liar to take a lie detector test? I would also be having another person take it who has only been in the military for a yr. What r the chances that both people would be able to pass it even though they were both lying?
A: It is definitely possible to pass a lie detector test. It measures your bodily functions (pulse, BP, breathing rate etc…) I had a professor tell us once that all you have to do is tense up when you answer the comparison questions (your name etc…) and it will give a false reading. If the test reads that during the questions you answer truthfully your vitals are increased, then when you answer them dishonestly they will be increased as well. The trick is that the ‘increased’ when you’re dishonest will appear normal, because it’s at the same rate as the control questions.With practice it can be done, so I assume if people in the military practice this, they would be able to pass.
Will a lie detector test help prove I’ve been sexually harassed if there were no witnesses?
Q: I’ve been suspended from my job pending an investigation. My superior has a long list of lies against me and I want to take a lie detector test to prove I am the victim. Will this be successful?
A: Lie detectors are inadmissible in court so I doubt it would help you in this investigation. I think you should counter claim. You have rights as well.
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