What does dreaming about zombies mean

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What does dreaming about zombies mean”,you can compare them.

A dream about zombies represents someone who isn’t “alive” emotionally or not in touch with their humanity or feelings. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-dreaming-about-zombies-mean ]
More Answers to “What does dreaming about zombies mean
What does dreaming with zombies mean?
Zombies could represent a lot of threats that are in the modern world. Heartless beings that are so focused on their particular aim or cause, that they can not be reasoned with. Terrorists, criminals, drug addicts, and other groups that ten…
What does my dreams mean, when I dream about; Hitler, Zombies and…?
Either you have seen too much of those movies or it could mean.. You are troubled by your own guilt and you may have guilt conscience around you. Dreaming of zoombies or demoncially posession people could mean that you feel trapped with som…
Does anyone have a dream book? I always have recurring zombie dre…?
It means you have been bitten by a zombie and may be infected. All hope is lost. Just hope it’s a benign virus, and not the ‘rage’ type. Seriously… it might be symbolic of being bored, exhausted, or that you are doing something that is nu…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I’m dreaming about Zombies, Does anyone know what zombies mean in dreams?
Q: Yes, I am serious.Yes, they are reoccurring dreams, and in succession.
A: Zombies = walking dead, failure, giving up, helplessYou must have some ideas of what zombies are, probably from movies. However, projecting them in your subconscious mind could symbolize there may be some failure in your life. That failure may not be from your ability. You may just feel helpless and you may feel not respected or not recognized or not even admired of things you have done. And so, having zombies projected in your mind is to show you that you want to get attention and you want your ability to be recognized. You probably don’t get it in reality. That is why you vent out your helpless conscience
What does my dreams mean, when I dream about; Hitler, Zombies and Demonically Possession people?
Q: I dream about Hitler, flesh eating zombies and demonically possession people. A demonically possessed girl was telling me Hitler was raising. He appeared, floating and glowing black while a zombie army was rising to do his bidding.
A: Either you have seen too much of those movies or it could mean..You are troubled by your own guilt and you may have guilt conscience around you. Dreaming of zoombies or demoncially posession people could mean that you feel trapped with something bad thing in your life. Your projected that because in reality, you may have done something that you should not have done.
What does dreaming with zombies mean?
Q: I’ve been having dreams with zombies for awhile now, almost everyday. These aren’t you regular slow zombies , if anybody has seen the movie I Am Legend , they are really fast and athletic. I dream that I know there is going to be an invasion and I have to find ways to try to survive the outbreak that makes the zombies and I also have to find a way to put my kids out of misery without them feeling pain and so the zombies won’t kill them. I have a newborn baby and a 5 year old and when I wake up I am really scared and now I think I have to prepare for something big that’s going to happen and it’s the scariest saddest feeling in the world. I don’t know what this dream means but it’s driving me crazy. help!
A: Zombies could represent a lot of threats that are in the modern world. Heartless beings that are so focused on their particular aim or cause, that they can not be reasoned with. Terrorists, criminals, drug addicts, and other groups that tend to use negative means to reach their goals. You are just really anxious about your safety, and that of your children, in this world with all it’s dangers, and wish you could keep them from being hurt or victimized. You may not live in the safest neighborhood, or just be exposed to negative energy from some people you come in contact with. One has to have the spiritual strength in life to keep going on, despite the threats in the outside world, and trust in a higher power to protect oneself. Meditate/pray, exercise, and eat healthy, so that you will stay spiritually strong, and able to keep you and your children safe, and keep positive in a world that this may be difficult at times to do.
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