How do you stop feeling lonely

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How do you stop feeling lonely”,you can compare them.

Determine the reason or source of why you are feeling lonely. Write down your feelings and thoughts in a journal. This is a start! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop feeling lonely
・ 1 Determine the reason or source of why you are feeling lonely. Write down your feelings and thoughts… ・ 2 There are internal and external reasons for feeling lonely. External reasons are based on an actual… ・ 3 Remedy your situation …
I understand what you mean. The truth hurts but you always have to have back up friends ’cause sometimes the people who you trust the most, or love the most or whatever can be the ones to not pay attention to you although you may pay all th…
Doing good things for others who need your help. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, nursing home, animal shelter, etc. Lonliness I believe, has more to do with an emptiness inside, (often from dhildhood) than having more friends or people around….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do you stop feeling lonely without having to stop being alone?
Q: dont suggest doctors or talking with friends or family (i have no friends).i just want to know how to stop feeling lonely without having to give up being alone.
A: You have to start enjoying your own company and fill that empty space with happiness.Loneliness is when you feel incomplete.What do you enjoy doing ? What are your interests ?When you are happy other people will be attracted to you .
How do I stop feeling lonely?
Q: I have loads of friends and a close family but for some reason I feel so alone in this world – what is wrong and how do I stop feeling so lonely and sad?
A: When do you feel lonely, why do you feel lonely, where do you feel lonely? Breakdown this feeling of loneliness into several parts and try to find one or two factors that cause the feeling of loneliness. Then adjust those factors so that they don’t have any effect on you.
How can i stop feeling lonely?
Q: I know it’s part of human nature but more often than not i get this horrible empty lonely feeling. I would like to think i have a pretty decent life (good friends, family, college etc) but i don’t know why i feel this way. It’s a really painful emotional feeling.
A: I’ve had that feeling too much. Its an empty painful sad feeling. Sounds like you need a best friend.
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