What are ways to destress

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are ways to destress”,you can compare them.

Top ten ways to de-stress: 1) fit in fitness every day 2) enjoy natural sunlight 3) write in a journal every day 4) don’t MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-ways-to-destress ]
More Answers to “What are ways to destress
What are easy ways to instantaneously destress?
Okay this might sound weirdo but here it is. 1. I yell out like an insane person and i almost instantly feel better 2. i go to my favorite sushi bar and order Vanilla Ice cream Tempura Lol i know eating isnt the best way….but i love it! (…
How does music serve as a way to destress and focus?
“Nothing happens until something moves,” said Albert Einstein. Theorists suggest that every thing which exists consists at its core of vibrating “strings”. Those whacky Wilson boys sang, “Good, good, good, good vibr…
What is the best way to relax and destress?
A hot bath with candles, lavendar and a nice glass of wine.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some realistic ways to destress?!?
Q: I’m super stressed out w/ up coming medical school interviews, and I need to find a real way to destress. Breathing, visualization, and meditation don’t seem to work for me. Plz help!
A: working out always helps me. you release endorphins which is like a natural high with your adrenalin pumping. and also it’s a great way to stay in shape. you should sign up for a gym where you don’t know that many people so you can get away and work out for a little while every day. it’s a great way to de-stress!
what are some ways to destress my self?
Q: i have had a very stressful couple of days i need to destress some what are some safe ways to do this
A: Here are some good ideas:1. Do something that gets your heart rate up a bit like, walking, running, biking, and swimming.2. Eat Whole, Organic foods like: Broccoli, Cabbage, Organic Brown Rice, Beans, Spinach, Sweet Potato, Apples, and other fruits and vegetables in their Natural State.3. Avoid eating corn, white bread, white rice, white potatoes, candy, sodas, chips, and anything else that you already know you shouldn’t be eating.4. Drink clean water as your beverage of choice. Avoid Fruit drinks and fruit juices (unless YOU juice them yourself)5. Stop smoking, drinking beer & wine, and drinking coffee.6. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.7. Hang out with people who want to be healthy.8. Avoid anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup.Tone up the muscles:1. Join a gym and get a trainer.2. If you’re short on cash, start a light stretching & yoga regimen.3. Do push-ups, and light dumbbell curls for the upper body.4. As I said above, walk, run, swim, and or bike5. Take an aerobics class, a yoga class, or some other fitness class.6. Join the local YMCA.7. Buy or borrow this book by Bill Pearl called GETTING STRONGER. http://www.billpearl.comIn the book, he describes everything you need for a great fitness plan.8. Compare your fitness scores to other people by clicking on the President’s Challenge Brochure link here: http://www.presidentschallenge.org/misc/downloads.aspxMental Health:1. Get a friend to talk to each day about your feelings.2. If you have some money or insurance, get a counselor to talk to.3. Learn how to meditate.4. Join a support group for the issue you’re dealing with.5. Ask your Higher Self (or God) for guidance.6. Start keeping a diary or journal about your feelings & thoughts.7. Write a ‘gratitude’ list every night.8. Do something that makes you happy each day like: listen to your favorite music, draw, paint, write, or anything creative.9. Do something for someone else who needs help.10. If the above suggestions don’t improve your mental health, talk with your therapist about the possibility of taking some medication.Take care of yourselfYam King
whats some ways to destress?
Q: I have alot of stress right now in life. Everything from boyfrined problems to work. Whats some things that you do to de stress? I would like for you to include some female ways to destress too! That would be great i am a girly girl.Thank You!haha darhemkcuf thanks laughter could be another good one.
A: Massages help. Facials help. Doing anything that you enjoy doing will help with your stress (shopping, etc.)
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