How do you stop hurting yourself

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One of the best ways to stop a back pain is to use acupuncture or a chiropractor. ChaCha again soon! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you stop hurting yourself
The answer to this really depends on if you want to go at it yourself, or if you are wanting to know who to be referred to so that you will help you. I’ll start with trying to go at it yourself (these will all be things that you can do if y…
After you have decided it is the time to stop hurting yourself, you need to answer the question of how. There are many different methods to help you in stopping or reducing self-injury behaviors in the short-term- at the time you feel the n…
Changing Your Behaviors A lot of people think that the best way to change your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations that are necessary for permanent change is by changing what you do, day to day. To change your daily behaviors, you m…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How to stop hurting yourself?
Q: I am addicted to hurting myself. How can I stop? Please read previous questions for reference. Thank you.
A: u seem to have some disorder…go to theripist and talk to em’ about it…it could really help u in many different ways….plzs go asap! best of luck hunh……..
How do I stop hurting yourself.?
Q: I like to cut. I like the way it feels and it makes me feel better. I try to stop and will do well for a while; but something happens or nothing happens and the urge comes. Before I know it I have a razor and I am cutting into myself and bleeding ever where. Is there a way to stop forever? How do I kill the urges?
A: Hey thereI myself used to cut, and understand how hard it can be.Try and relax. do things to try and stop you form tihnking about it. Like stop a draw etc.If it the pian you like, put a rubber bands around you wrist or hair tie and pull it and flick it agianst your wrist. Sqeese Ice cubes.. in your hand.If you have sum sort of actions b4 you cut, like getting stuff out blade , tissues etc. Get it all out in fornt of you, then pack it all away. Keep doing that till its gert boring.. and it want wanna cut anymore.Sit down and think about.. ” oh another week I have to hide myself” its going to remind you for the rest of your life.You need to sort this issue out b4 it get really bad.hope some of this helps
How Do You Stop Hurting Yourself?
Q: Ive Been Self Harming For 3 And A Half Years And I Want To Stop, Please Reply..x
A: The answer to this really depends on if you want to go at it yourself, or if you are wanting to know who to be referred to so that you will help you.I’ll start with trying to go at it yourself (these will all be things that you can do if you decide to also get additional help).First, do you know what is causing you to hurt yourself? If not, try to do some soul searching to find the answer. Think about what has happened in your past, has someone hurt you, have you felt left out, abused, forgotten, are you judging yourself against an impossible standard, have you had some trauma (someone died, someone abused you, your were left by someone, you experienced a horrific accident/injury) in your life. There is a reason for hurting yourself. Once you found out why, you can start to work on that issue. The way to do this is find a way to “accept” that whatever it was happened and you have no control over it, but you have control over how often you think about it. Does this make sense? Even if that doesn’t make total sense, I am going to go on to things to try to control your urges. The best way that I’ve found, and what I tell my clients to do, is go out and get a 10 cent notebook. You are going to use this as a journal. You don’t want to spend much on it because of future suggestions I have for you. In the journal, start writing what feelings you have when you start to think about hurting yourself. What is going on, are there always certain people around, same song, tv show, same time of day, same event that you do, write what is happening several times you get the urge to see if there is a common thread in activity. Write down how you feel after you do injure. Write down your thoughts about hurting yourself, why you want to stop, what you hope to gain in stopping, what you think might happen if you don’t stop, what you think might happen if you do stop. Use this journal to write, draw, paint, scribble, get out your feelings in it. An activity I suggest any and everyone do is use the non-dominate hand (left if you normal use right hand) and write a letter to yourself. Don’t think to much about it, it will come on its own. Don’t erase, don’t scratch out, don’t censor yourself. Let you hand go. If you get the urge, go ahead and ask questions with the non-d hand. Then read over this and respond with your dominate hand. Then non-d hand is related to the inner child. It expresses what the deep down feelings are. Moving on, write a list on a notecard of things you can do when you get the urge. This might be things such as exercise, meditate, yoga, journal, how shower, bake, deep breath, watch fish, pet an animal, rub lotion on, use smells you like (vanilla is a proven relaxation smell, baked apples, cinnamon, something you like), call a friend, clean the house, change the oil in the car, read a book, anything you can think of even if you don’t do it much. Get another notecard and this time use 1 side to write reasons not to hurt, include anything negative you can think of. It might be having to lie; having to hide it; feeling unworthy, useless, helpless; living in the past; staying a label; having a mess to clean up; letting yourself down; getting stiches; whatever you can think of.One the otherside write down again, everything you can do to distract yourself. Keep this card with you so when an urge hits, you can pull it out and look at it.Next, enlist as many people as you can to help you. Friends, family, if you see the same clerk at the grocery store, a clery member, if you believe God, a roommate, a teacher, anyone you might even think you could say “What do you do when your having a bad day?” Everytime you start to feel urges, ask one of these many people that questions and try their suggestion. You are pretty sure to find at least one new thing to help yourself. Everytime you have an urge and do not follow through, reward yourself. This can be anything from giving yourself an hour off from homework, to taking an extra 5 minutes in the shower, to taking a bath, to putting a dollar in a jar for something special, to letting yourself eat one of your favorite foods, soemthing you don’t usually do for yourself.This is the basis for helping yourself,as for if you decide you need more help – don’t go to just any therapist. Not very many are effective in helping with self injury. Most can only help with some depression, which can help a bit with injury but not most of it. You need to make sure you go to someone with a PhD, there are therapists out there with this, psychologists all have this too. When looking for someone, ask if they have experience. You do not want someone who says yes, I can do DBT (dialetcic behavioral therapy) this is not helpful for most people, it is used with people who have borderline personality disorder. Many times therapist will automatically assume that since someone hurts themselves they have borderline, this is very wrong. To have borderline there are
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