How does anxiety cause depression

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How does anxiety cause depression”,you can compare them.

Generalized anxiety disorder or GAD is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events. MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does anxiety cause depression
Does anxiety cause depression?
Yes it can. I had anxiety before depression. The problem was that I did not seek help when I was anxious and this led on to depression. My advice is to seek help asap. I am fine now and live a very happy life and see the anxiety/depression …
What can cause depression & anxiety?
Stressful life events, chronic stress, low self-esteem, imbalances in brain chemicals and hormones, lack of control over circumstances (helplessness and hopelessness), negative thought patterns and beliefs, chronic pain , chronic physical o…
Can anxiety disorder CAUSE depression?
I think its entirely possibly to have anxiety create depression over time. I don’t think what you’re looking at now is necessarily an anxiety disorder. It may be something else entirely. It could be also that as a young child so anxious, be…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does IBS cause anxiety and depression, or the other way round?
Q: Does IBS cause anxiety and depression, or the other way round?
A: It’s hard to say, but they are both caused by brain/hormone malfunctions. I have IBS and anxiety attacks. I was surprised when my doctor told me that IBS was caused by nerve impulse malfunctions in the brain, rather than an inherent problem with my digestive tract.
does anxiety cause depression?
Q: does anxiety cause depression? i have it and recently, nothing realy there are times when nothing realy thrills me at all. and other times when i am normal (happy). could this be anxiety or is it depression?
A: Yes it can. I had anxiety before depression. The problem was that I did not seek help when I was anxious and this led on to depression. My advice is to seek help asap. I am fine now and live a very happy life and see the anxiety/depression a brief ‘blip’ in my life. Sounds like you may have minor or mild depression.
Which occurs first: anxiety, or depression? (Does anxiety cause depression or does depression cause anxiety)?
Q: Anxiety is an axis 2 disorder, which would seemingly appear to be caused by an axis 1 disorder, such as depression, if that’s how the axes numbering was intended to represent.Anxiety can occur in tandem with depression, but long-term anxiety probably causes depression (the old saying, “worrying takes a lot out of you”).
A: Sadly, there is no answer to this question. It’s like the chicken or the egg…there’s a good arguement for either and there are good reasons for both answers. Also, Anxiety is not an axis II disorder.
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