How does one keep from being sad

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “How does one keep from being sad”,you can compare them.

Do you have winter blues or are you very depressed? If so, see a doctor. Otherwise, direct sunlight, yoga, meditation, relaxing. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How does one keep from being sad
How can I keep from being sad about it?
You sound like you are fairly smart, so why stay around them – what to be threatened and humiliated. You may love your sister, but you don’t have to put up with her husband and his antics. Stay away and as far away as possible. Set up a new…
How to Avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (or keep from being SAD)?
・ 1 You have a choice. You have a choice about how you handle the weather, the change of seasons, and how… ・ 2 Face the facts. Unless you live in some special Utopian universe where you never experience any flux… ・ 3 Identify if you nee…
What do you do to keep you from being sad?
write music and listen to some screamo. just scream it out. thats what i do. i works the best. because i know that if you go out with your friends, ur grandpa will be on the back of you mind, and you wont have that much fun. so listen to so…

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How do I keep myself from being sad at the end of every break/sunday?
Q: It is really depressing knowing I have to go back to school. School isn’t that bad but still. I mean its barely half of Sping Break and I can’t enjoy anything because school is almost back.
A: Hey,My break already ended a week ago. How many times have you had summers or breaks that you thought would never end? And where are you now?!Your living in an awkward moment. You know what I do? Stuff! Make plans! And include these plans after school when it starts. Its no the end of the world.You know what stinks for me? Today my school club went halfway across America to compete in F-I-R-S-T. And I had to go to school because I wasn’t one of the people chosen to go. But I had a great day anyway. I didn’t stop trying to have the best normal day possible just because it could have been better. And I went along with my plans as normal, supporting my team as best I could from home.Just because school is back soon doesn’t mean a thing. In fact, I can’t wait to see my friends from club on Monday…they are probably like “nooo i don’t want to leave the competition!” At least I am spared of that!Try to relax and enjoy the break. And try to stay busy, so you don’t have time to feel sad.|echo
What do you do to keep you from being sad?
Q: Well my grandpa is in the hospital and i don’t really know whats going on=[I’m worried right now but what do you guys do to keep yourself from being sad.I’m trying not to think about it but it makes me sad idk.I just love being on here everyone has positive ideas(:
A: write musicand listen to some screamo.just scream it out.thats what i do. i works the best.because i know that if you go out with your friends, ur grandpa will be on the back of you mind, and you wont have that much fun. so listen to some screamo music. it should do good.also another thing,its scientifically proven that if u go out and do a physicall activity, your brain releases a special hormone that keeps you in a good mood.
Is there any suggestions on what I can do while my husband is deployed to keep me from being sad all the time?
Q: My hubby is deployed to Qatar for a year he leaves Nov. 06 and won’t be back until Nov. 07. I am a grad student and i have an internship but surprisingly I still have a lot of free time after I study and do my hw. I go and workout but I still have plenty of free time. I’m sad and depressed and he hasn’t even left the country yet. I just don’t know what to do. I don’t have any friends here or anyone who understands and I am away from my family I’m all alone in grad school.I’m also not anywhere near his base he is in the Reserves and the base he deployed from is in Utah. I’m in NY. I think the nearest base here is Fort Drum and that still is hours away.
A: An amazing number of people either answered this before you added that you were away from a post, or didn’t read the whole thing. It IS possible to get in contact with your husband’s FRG via email. They can put you on a mailing list and will send you official updates on unit activities, etc. as they become available. They are the best source of news regarding your husband’s deployment-if they do their jobs right. Have your husband check to find out who your FRG leader is. They may also be able to set you up with other wives in the unit for you to contact with personal deployment related issues. Even if it’s not called the FRG in the reserves, they should have some form of family readiness group that can provide this sort of information. The important thing is to stay busy and avoid news coverage. The news rarely reports what really happened, exaggerates what it wants, and downplays or excludes vital information that make the story true. Easy for me to say? Yes and no. My husband is a month into deployment #2 in 3.5 years, and I don’t have anything better to do like grad school or an internship. You need to stay strong for his sake as much as your own sanity. Enjoy the time you have before he leaves. It’s natural to worry, but he needs to see you be strong. If he leaves thinking you can’t handle it on your end, it’s going to distract him from his mission while he’s deployed. I’m not trying to make you feel worse, but that’s how it is. Stay positive. Tell yourself you WILL get through it and he WILL come home. No, it’s not always easy. But he has a job to concentrate on, and you have a life to lead regardless of his location. Surround yourself with positive people. Don’t dwell on negative things. Don’t hang around the phone either. Get out of the house. Got a cell phone? If not, get one. I even have a convenience pkg on my phone line for call forwarding when I’m away from the house so I don’t miss a call. But the key point is to get out of the house. It’s true, you can’t send too many emails or letters. I think they prefer letters because they can carry them along with them and look at them without having to stand in line at the phone center. Getting mail is like Christmas to deployed soldiers. But keep the sob stories to a minimum. He needs to know exactly 3 things: that you love him, that you’re waiting for him, and that you’re handling things just fine. It’s okay to tell him if you have one particularly bad day, but don’t do it in every letter/message. Always focus on the good, whether you’re talking to him, your mother, or yourself. (The car died on the way to work but I won 20 bucks on a scratch-off lotto ticket while waiting for the tow.) Smile, being sad won’t keep him home. ***Bottom line: You’re strong, you’re independent, you can handle this.*** And have a good long distance plan for calling home. 🙂
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