What are some things to relieve stress

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For a lot of people, yoga is great at relieving stress. You can always go for a walk or meditate, as well. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-things-to-relieve-stress ]
More Answers to “What are some things to relieve stress
What are some things you do to relieve stress?
i do many things but the two things that work best for me are writing (poetry or just my feelings) is the best one usually i end up ripping it up after so no one can read it. if i get really stressed or depressed i grab some ice and see how…
What are some things I can do to relieve some of her stress??
Totally was there. I was in a new home with step mom at 4years old and afraid to go to kindergarden. Just try and build her up with things like guess what you will meet so many other children just like you. There is a time they may just hav…
Do you feel like punching things to relieve stress?
There have been some different views on ‘venting’ in the past. The old, typically ‘Victorian’/’Puritan’ view is to bottle it. That proved to have some negative results. That swung to the opposite extreme to vent it. Unfortunately, that also…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some things to help relieve stress?
Q: It’s been almost a month of school now, and I’m as stressed as ever. Lately, I’ve been spending most of my time doing school, both at school AND at home. I go home, do homework until 10 (with short breaks in between), and then I sleep. It’s stressful because it’s become a routine for me: wake up at 7, get ready for school, go to school, do work, sleep, wake up again. What are some things I can do to relieve stress? I heard some people say that aromatherapy works, but I’m not so sure. Any suggestions?Plus, I’m constantly worrying that I’m not doing well enough in school. I have all the hard subjects this semester, and I keep worrying about not getting an 80 or above average. HELP!doing schoolwork*** sorry typoI usually go out with my family for dinner and to get some stuff during the weekend, but sometimes there’s so much homework I have to stay at home and do it!
A: i understand exactly how u feel the things i do r:take a long relaxing bathbe confident in yourself and your work u mite not get perfect but ALWAYS do the BEST YOU CAN!!take time to treat yourself balance is key, always keep work and social time even and try not to mix the 2 , example: talking in class means more work at home and it makes it harder to do because u were so busy talking u didn’t get the assinment right.aroma theropy is a good way to relax just before bed or even while u do homework.everyday try to make atleast 30 minutes to do something u like i paint my nails, watch tv do a facial something I like but always make time 4 U even if u r really busy then put on a face mask and let it dry while u r doing ur homework.Hope this helps if u need more help email me at [email protected]
What are some things you do to relieve stress?
Q: I am horrible at dealing with the stress in my life. I let it get to the point that I become really emotional and down on myself. I either get really bitchy and take it out on my hubby or get really weepy and cry at the drop of the hat. I need to find ways to relax and help keep my stress level in check. What are some thing you do to relieve stress?
A: Take a break, sit in a warm, dim room with candles and incense (if you like it) and meditate on your life, take some time to think about you and the things you like to do and the people you love. You can also try this with a bath.
What are some small things you do to relieve stress?
Q: Recently my life has gotten very very busy. I don’t have much time to do the bigger things I used to do to relieve stress..(meditation, long walks. etc. I’m wondering what small things you do during the day or night to relieve stress.
A: Just take deep breaths from time to time to release toxic.Learn to detach – sometimes we get caught up with our environment and get emotional abt a person, a situation. Dont let anger get into your system. Detach.Learn to forgive – so that you can move on and not store unwanted emotions in your heart.Send blessings as much as possible to people, think of them kindly because the good energy will be returned to you.Pray.
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