How many bones are in the body

Health related question in topics Biology Science Health .We found some answers as below for this question “How many bones are in the body”,you can compare them.

The adult skeleton consists of 206 bones. Babies are born with 350, which fuse together over time. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many bones are in the body
There are 206 in the body dumb There are 206 in the body dumb There are 206 in the body dumb
The adult body has 206 bones, most of them are in your hands and feet. As newborns we have about 300 bones. The difference in numbers is because as a baby grows the bones will start to grow together and become one.
The axial skeleton protects vital organs in the body with a total of 80 bones in the person’s head and torso. A skull has 29 bones including eight cranial bones, 14 facial bones, six auditory…

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Q: How does the following question violate community guidelines which seems innocuous enough? “How many bones are therein the adult male human body.”
A: It doesn’t at all. Someone just reported you for no reason. I had two violations against me yesterday, and I sent the questions and my answers to yahoo customer service, and asked them to re-instate my points. (They have done this in the past for me when I proved I was not in violation). The way some people “report” you on here is ridiculous. They are so immature they revert to reporting you if they don’t like your question or answer.
How many bones are there in the human body?
Q: How many bones are there in the human body?Got the answer?
A: at adulthood 206I count the sternum as one, it can be counted as 3 for a total of 208.
when did we figure out how many bones were in the human body?
A: When fossil of homo erectus was found then the bone number might have been discovered.
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