How to easily have a lucid dream

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Lucid Dreaming means dreaming while you know that you are dreaming, and when you know you are dreaming within a MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How to easily have a lucid dream
How to lucid dream easily?
The easiest way for me, is to set an alarm clock at 12 or 1, and as soon as it rings to turn off the alarm clock go back to sleep, you’ll still be a little aware that your awake, and give yourself a directive from there before you fall deep…
How to Move Easily in a Lucid Dream
・ Concentrate your focus actively on the specific area in the dream that you wish to move to. ・ Intend yourself to be at that specific spot, by imagining yourself there, touching the spot, seeing it… ・ Maintain this focused intent, and no…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many here want to lucid dream easily?
Q: first off, lucid dreaming is knowing your dreaming while dreaming; thus gives you complete control over the dream. look up “tulpa dream” in google, if you click on the right web site, it will tell you how to lucid dream easily. Was this info helpful? Do you think I’m wack?
A: I have several dreams like that a month and always enjoy them… and I’ve tried the tips before so that I could have more of them, but they never seem to work for me.
how to lucid dream easily?
Q: i wanna lucid dream. i know you have to think bout what you wanna dream about but for how long. how do you control it.
A: The easiest way for me, is to set an alarm clock at 12 or 1, and as soon as it rings to turn off the alarm clock go back to sleep, you’ll still be a little aware that your awake, and give yourself a directive from there before you fall deeper asleep. Another way is to realize your dreaming (often happens in a nightmare) to start controlling the dream.Note:What makes this hard and nearly impossible for the average person is the concentration to stay in a dream after realize that your dreaming. You have to give yourself a directive quickly and stop knowing that your dreaming. Even then, it’s harder to control your movements and the dream is fuzzier.Note 2:It might take a few nights of setting the alarm clock before you actually succeed in lucid dreaming.Good luck.:)
How long will it take for me to lucid dream?
Q: I know about the reality check thing where you ask yourself if you are dreaming and then check the time or text, and so I’m gonna do that regularly so it will pop up in my dreams. I think when I was a kid I could lucid dream quite easily, I think I thought it was ‘normal dreaming’, but now I’ve only had about 3 lucid dreams within the past year. What other things can I do to make me lucid dream, and how long do you think it will take me to have one?
A: The reality checking you mentioned is a great start. You will also want to keep a dream journal which will help you increase your dream recall and help you become familiar with what your dream usually are like. You will want to reality check when you are in the situations you usually dream of, whether you’re awake or dreaming! You can still also reality check whenever. You might also want to look into more lucid dreaming techniques that you can combine with the reality checking, just make sure you don’t try too many at the same time, or you might lose focus. There are several guides and info at the following sites:www.lucidity.comwww.ld4all.comwww.dreamviews.comThere are many factors that influence how long it takes for a beginner to start having lucid dreams. It can take everything from one night to several months. You have a great advantage for having had lucid dreams easily as a child without even knowing about them beforehand. Lucid dreamers call people with this ability ‘naturals’. If you are focused, determined, and are able to practice every day, then I think you will have lucid dreams again within a few weeks. Either way, good luck!
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