How you can tell when someone is bipolar

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The primary symptoms of bipolar disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings, from mania to depression. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How you can tell when someone is bipolar
How you can tell when someone is bipolar
The primary symptoms of bipolar disorder are dramatic and unpredictable mood swings, from mania to depression. ChaCha!
How to Tell if Someone is Bipolar
・ 1 Watch for dramatic mood shifts. Bipolar disorder has the highs of mania and the lows of depression… ・ 2 Look for impulsive actions. During a manic episode, a person could suddenly quit a job, overspend into… ・ 3 See if you notice an…
Can someone tell me the signs of bipolar my 15 yr old may have it…?
You might want to check out a national group that has state and local chapters all over the US. Their website is [url][/url]. There is a link to a map where you can click on your state to see where all the local chapters are loc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

When Should I tell my significant other that I am bipolar?
Q: I was just diagnosed with bi-polar last august, and have been seriously dating someone since the beginning of November. My meds still aren’t quite right, and I sometimes am unpredictable emotionally wise. I don’t want to scare them off, but at the same time they have to know that I am bipolar in case something happens to me. When do you think a good time to tell them is?
A: first rposzich is not a Dr. or an educated person apparently Bi-Polar disorder is a chemical imbalance in the brain and is in no way the fault of the person suffering from the problem Dr.s come up with the diagnosis from all the symptoms that you tell them you are suffering. Now they could do $1000.00 of dollars of blood work to tell you the same thing they can tell you from just talking to you. You should tell them what you have especially since your meds are not on the levels that they should be. You can offer to go online with them to educate them on the disease or maybe your Dr. would talk to them or have pamphlets they could read. My Dr. had info for my family to read to help them understand the disease. There is nothing to be ashamed about or embarrassed about being Bi polar anymore than there is about getting the chicken pox or measles or cancer its not your fault but your family needs to know about it. Grab a pamphlet a soda and popcorn sit down and say I’d like you to know a little bit about me and what I’m doing to get better any questions just ask.
How do you tell someone that they’re bipolar?
Q: My mother has been bipolar for at least 15 years. And each year she gets worse. She wont admit it and when someone tells her she gets really angry.One minute shes happy then the next she’ll be yelling over something stupid.I know it’s sad but she thinks everyone is out to get her. What can me or my family do to get her some help without her being mad at us?
A: My mom is exactly the same way. She’ll be ecstatically happy about everything for about a month and then she’ll go crazy and turn into a psychotic control freak claiming everyone hates her.The next time your mother’s in a calm, approachable mood tell her she seems upset alot and your worried about her happiness (not her mental health, that will just backfire). Ask her if she would consider psychological evaluation and/or counseling.Whatever you do don’t tell her you think she’s mentally unstable, she’ll just get defensive and deny it. Best of luck!
When should I tell him that I have Bipolar II?
Q: I’ve been dating a guy for a few weeks now and things are going okay. We haven’t had the exclusivity talk or anything like that, but as far as I know neither of us are dating anyone else. He seems to like me a lot, but I’m not sure how I feel. (I don’t trust my emotions very much sometimes…) Sometimes I’m very interested and other times my interest is dulled…but in those times it’s dulled in every other area of my life, too.Anyway, on to my question. When should I tell him about my diagnosis? My gut inclination is that I should tell him before we get serious, especially since it might affect his decision in that regard. Further, if we get serious I want him to know that it’s not necessarily his fault if I start going off over every little thing every now and then.When have you told someone you’re dating about a disorder? (Bipolar or otherwise.) What kinds of questions did the person ask about it?Thank you!
A: I told my husband on I believe our second date. He cared so much about me and my feelings he read everything and anything he could find about it. He actually taught me things I didn’t know. He now lets me know when he feels my mood is changing………..if I need sleep (i overexagerate these b/c I like to sleep haha) and can tell when a manic state is kicking in. He senses things before I do and now thanks me for telling him so soon. They then fall in love with you and not what they thought you were…………..
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