If you have a dream about car crashes what does it mean

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Dreams of a car accident symbolize your emotional state. You may be harboring deep anxieties/fears. Are you “driving” too hard? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-you-have-a-dream-about-car-crashes-what-does-it-mean ]
More Answers to “If you have a dream about car crashes what does it mean
What does it mean if i keep having a dream about getting in car c…?
Apparently, you do not thoroughly trust the people you’re hanging out with. There may be one particular person in this crowd that do not like at all. You may feel like you are not in the “inner circle” of these friends. You like t…
What does it mean if you have a dream about car crash?
usually dreams of death or disaster is a sign of stress.
What is the meaning If in a dream I crash a car but am unhurt ??
To dream of an accident is a warning to avoid any mode of travel for a short period of time, as you are threatened with loss of life.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does it mean if i keep having a dream about getting in car crashes with friends nearby?
Q: i have dreams about being on the wrong side of the road, being in the car with crazy drivers, and my friends being in the car with me. We never get in a wreck, but im always so scared, and i can never drive safely.
A: Apparently, you do not thoroughly trust the people you’re hanging out with. There may be one particular person in this crowd that do not like at all. You may feel like you are not in the “inner circle” of these friends. You like to be in control and you are having trouble stepping up to the plate to be the leader you may want to be. I suggest picking the several best friends you have in this crowd and building your relationships with them. Lose the people that are giving you static. Its important for you to understand that not everybody sees things as you do.
What the heck does my dream mean? Being fired from my job? Car crashes?
Q: Okay if someone could tell me what both my dreams mean that would be AMAZING. 1. My boss was planning to fire me from my job by the end of the year, and everyone in my workplace knew about me being fired except me.2. I was somewhere and I kept seeing car crashes. Then the bus was supposed to take me home, but I decided for some reason not to go on it. Then, the bus crashed.What the heck do these mean?
A: Revamp your resume’ and buy a bicycle.
what does it mean to dream about a car crash?
Q: I was driving the car(driver) and I could see that i was about to hit another car in front of me, but i couldn’t stop it from happening. it felt so real and i ended up waking up.
A: Just means that your mind is running things back and forth. Check the link below
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