What do you say to someone who is depressed

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What do you say to someone who is depressed”,you can compare them.

Good things to say to someone that is depressed are: “I love you”; “You’re not alone in this”; & “I understand and I empathize.” [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-say-to-someone-who-is-depressed ]
More Answers to “What do you say to someone who is depressed
What Not to Say to Someone Who Is Depressed?
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that depression affects more than 14 million adult Americans in any given year. The chances are that you know or will know someone who is going through depression or is clinically depressed. A…
What would you say to make someone depressed feel better??
I would talk about the truths of life, so that could see the size of the universe, to find troubles and depression small enough to go ahead with existence.
How can you say with such certainty that someone is depressed or …?
There are a few biological markers of depression, but they are not practical for everyday use. Major depression remains a clinical diagnosis, meaning that a clinician must take a detailed history and make a determination based on the presen…

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How do you help someone who is depressed and what do you say to them before its too late?
A: You might want to try telling them that they should really speak to someone. The cheapest alternative to therapy, I mean, is to call a great gal adviser that everyone I know consults, Jen Yr Friend. 1-800-275-5336 (option #3) extension 02632569. http://www.keen.com/Jen%20Yr%20Friend . I was ready to jump off of a building months ago, but after speaking with Jen I’m bubbly and happy-go-lucky again. Give your pal Jen’s info., never know, just might help, it’s helped for everyone I know. Best of luck!!!!!
What is the worst thing to say to someone who is depressed?
A: “Go kill yourself”I think that’d be pretty mean.
What’s the most effective thing you can say to lift the spirits of someone who is severely depressed?
A: i love you, and i want to listen, and actually listen dnt offer advice mid sentance when they draw a breathe let them vent and unload
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