Is life worth in

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is life worth in”,you can compare them.

Absolutely, being alive and directing your life is amazing. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is life worth in
Yes: Life is worth it. Even to those who (like me) have a disability that has forever robbed them of some of its best joys. Because the alternative is literally unthinkable, even for those who believe in an after-existence. And because bein…
You said “all of my life’s hopes and dreams are now unattainable” So you can predict the future both about attainability of everything you want and predict with 100% accuracy that you will never have new hopes and dreams that are …
When one things goes bad, so does everything else… have you noticed that? Its because our outlook changes and seems to put a downer coating on eveything. When you feel helpless and like nothing is going to change….the thought crosses…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What philosophy do you have that makes your life worth living?
Q: My philosophy on life is that we should leave it better than when we got here. In other words we’re put on this world to help our fellow man. What do you think makes life worth living despite all of the problems and strife that we have to endure????
A: try and understand everything you can but realize that no matter how hard you try you will fall short but be happy with the knowledge you were able to obtain with the time you had.their are times when you will shine and times when you will fade its not giving up during the time in between and after that makes the difference
How to make your life worth living?
Q: How do u make your being senseful? Most of us just wake up everyday go to school/work, comeback, have sex, eats foods, go to movies, drives cars, use credit cards, say they love someone, cheat, cheat again, watch tv, go to sleep. Same circle repeats everyday. Is this life worth anything? Does your being here make any difference?
A: By making our life and actions as an offering to every thing, living or otherwise around us.. This attitude of offering comes out of a deep understanding of inter-dependence of our being with everything around us !
How many soldiers lives is a civillian’s life worth in wartime?
Q: In your opinion, is a civillian’s life worth more than a soldiers in wartime, and if so by how much?I ask because I am doing an essay on my views on the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and I am trying to come to a reasoned conclusion on whether it was the morally right thing to do.
A: In an odd way you could argue that as a soldier, paid by the state, you are a civil servant. It would, therefor, follow that a civilians life is worth more as they are the people the soldiers are paid to protect.In truth neither is more important as they are all humans.As for the ABomb thing. It’s an easy answer. It was morally wrong.Soldiers are at the beck and call of their governments. They are expendable assets. If you join the army you must accept that you are expected to lay down your life if ordered to do so. A civilian doesn’t have to. A civilian pays for the army through their taxes so that they don’t have to. They are also not expected to, nor do they get involved with any of a, the fighting and b, the tactics and politics involved. They do not issue the orders so it is fair that they are not responsible for the fighting.The use of the ABomb directly targeted the civilians of an enemy nation in what amounts to a weapons test.The US had a new toy (stolen from the Germans) which they wanted to try out. They figured it would kill two birds with one stone and test it whilst proving to the world that they had it and what it could do. Essentially bullying the world into quiet submission.
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