Why are people sad

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why are people sad”,you can compare them.

People feel when they’ve lost something important, when they have been disappointed, or when something sad has happened to them. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-are-people-sad ]
More Answers to “Why are people sad
Why are people sad
Because the world is a harsh place. Like dumdum said, there are many reasons why people are sad, they may not be sad, just depressed for that moment in time, but besides the people that have disorders or conditions they cant help, people ar…
What is SAD?
SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Common symptoms of SAD are depression, anxiety, extreme fatigue, hypersomnia, carbohydrate cravings, and weight gain. Women through the ages of 20 to 40, their sexually reproductive years, are mos…
Do many people get SAD?
Surveys estimate that four to six of every 100 people may have winter depression, and another 10% to 20% may have mild SAD. SAD is four times more common in women than in men. Although some children and teenagers get SAD, it usually doesn’t…

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Q: One thing I can’t understand.Some miserable things which happened on others make some people feel superior, then make them laugh, which make some people feel sad. For example, find a picture on the Internet, I may feel funny when I sees the picture but my friend may feel sad when she sees the picture.Why? How to explain this psychological phenomenon?No, when I feel it is funny, that’s because it gives me a feeling of superiority.I feel superior when I see the picture.
A: different persons have different perspectivesthis picture ( or thing ) may remind you -or be related in your mind- with something that was good for you so you feel happyand the same thing may remind -or be related to in your friend’s mind- her with something bad so she feels sadfor example … there is a certain level of green color, reminds me of an operation i had … which was too painful for meand the same color may remind you with the color of your friend’s first date’s dress … so it makes me sad and makes you happy. ( and so happens in pictures )
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Q: I have noticed that many people–including myself–tend to smile uncontrollably in an extremely sad situation. Laughing can occur as well. Deep inside, I’ll feel absolutely terrible, but my face will display expressions that portray otherwise.Does anyone know why this is?
A: Smiling and laughing are two of the physical responses to stress. When put in a stressful situation, the body reacts in many different ways for everybody. After the adrenaline is released into the bloodstream, people start to sweat, get cold, start trembling, become jumpy and paranoid, get a headache, and/or start lughing nervously, etc. For you, the laughing occurs at inappropiate times and you can get around by coping with stress better and changing the distress into eustress. Hopefully, this will make your behavior occur at better times.
Why do people listen to sad music when they break up?
Q: Why do people after break ups listen to sad music? I do the same thing but i just wanted to know why people did that? What are some good songs to listen to?
A: hahaha, so true. You think it was the opposite. They probably do it b/c that’s how they feel at that time or the song my relate to their situation:)Do you mean break up songs?
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