What are the ten signs of depression

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the ten signs of depression”,you can compare them.

Can’t sleep enough, sleep too much, feeling of worthlessness, loss of appetite, uncontrollable eating, suicidal thoughts, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-ten-signs-of-depression ]
More Answers to “What are the ten signs of depression
What are the signs and affects of depression???? 10 pointz for be…?
Hi, Great question! Good to see you seeking info. My answer is fairly factual rather than opnion or hear-say…read on… Depression comes in all shapes and sizes. There are mainly two types: Depression and Bipolar. Depression tends to be w…
What are the first signs of depression? 10 points best answer??
It’s impossible to escape life’s ups and downs. Feeling unhappy or sad in response to disappointment, loss, frustration or a medical condition is normal. Many people use the word “depression” to explain these kinds of feelings, but that i…

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Signs of teen depression?
Q: Lately, my emotions have gone out of whack. I feel like an outsider to some of my closest friends. I snap easily and usually have to resist yelling at my parents and friends. I have almost constant headaches and rarely feel truly happy. My eating habits have gone irregular. My grades have gone from straight A’s to some C’s. I’m always tired, even when I get ten hours of sleep a night. Are these signs of teen depression?
A: Yes you seem to be having the symptoms of teenage depression. You should either go see the school guidance councelor or you can make an appointment with your doctor and tell them your symptoms and they will probably ask you questions and your doctor may prescribe you medication to help you . But you need to reach out for help because there is help out there
have any of you pregnant women experienced depression as an early sign of pregnancy?
Q: Ive been feeling very depressed lately and Ive had a few pregnancy symptoms that started 3-4 weeks ago such as dark brown discharge, tingling sensation in nipples, headaches, very light period, increased acid, tiredness even though I sleep for ten hours or more and also digestion problems. but Ive taken two pregnancy tests that have come back negative in the past 2 weeks so Im not sure I even am. I just need advice/suggestions?
A: Your body could be changing… It definitely sounds like something hormonal so if your pregnancy tests have returned negative, I’m inclined to think your body might be making some sort of hormonal transition.
how can u tell if someone is suffering from depression?
Q: i know many people who seem to be always sad but not depressed, one of my best friends may have it. and even i myself may have it.i was just wondering because i’m usually a happy upbeat person but lately ive been feeling like….. well…trash. im always feeling sad, and lonely i can be with ten people i know care about me and seem like having fun but inside i feel alone. im not usually like this like i said before. im just wondering if tehe are signs of depression and is there any more that are “tell-tale” signs?im a freshmen if it helpsthanx in advance
A: If you have depression, you may feel hopeless and sad or stop feeling pleasure from almost everything you do. You may feel down in the dumps, tearful, or discouraged. You may also be irritable or anxious or have low energy levels. The symptoms of depression are often subtle at first. It can be hard to recognize that symptoms may be connected and that you might have depression.The two most significant symptoms of depression are:3Sadness or hopelessness. Loss of interest in or pleasure from most daily activities. Other symptoms include:3Losing or gaining weight because of changes in appetite. Sleeping too much or not enough. Feeling restless and unable to sit still, or feeling that moving takes a great effort. Feeling tired all the time. Feeling unworthy or guilty without an obvious reason. Having problems concentrating, remembering, or making decisions. Thinking often about death or suicide. If you have at least five of these symptoms for 2 weeks or longer, and one of the symptoms is either sadness or loss of interest, you may be diagnosed with major depression that needs treatment. Even if you have fewer than five symptoms, you may still be depressed and need treatment.
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