What does it mean if someone is passive-aggressive

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Passive-aggressive is when a person seems to actively comply with the desires and needs of others, but actually passively, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-it-mean-if-someone-is-passive%26%2345%3Baggressive ]
More Answers to “What does it mean if someone is passive-aggressive
What does someone mean when they call you “passive aggressiv…?
There are three ways of dealing with conflict. 1. passive 2. aggressive 3. assertive Each sends a different message to the person you are in conflict with.・ 1. passive= You are important, I’m not (the offended is hurt and does nothing abo…
Could someone please explain me what passive-aggressive behavior …?
Ok I will just give you an example and I hope that this helps … Say your over at your friends house and she says something that really makes you mad but instead of saying something or even fighting with her you would say go into their bat…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does it mean when someone is passive aggressive?
Q: I’ve heard of this but never knew what it meant. Give an example. Thanks!
A: Someone who is mean, but not outwardly. They do their mean deeds quietly. For example…. a co-worker who acts sweet and innocent all the time. They complain that someone is treating them badly…but instead of confronting the evil doer, they do things like glue their phone to the desk, tape their computer keyboard. Also, this type of person makes menacing remarks disguised as normal conversation. “I love that dress. Does it come in your size?”
What does it mean to be passive aggressive?
Q: And how does it complicate your relationships? What should someone do if they are in a relationship with someone who is passive aggressive?
A: Passive-aggressive behavior refers to passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following through with expectations in interpersonal or occupational situations. It can manifest itself as learned helplessness, procrastination, stubbornness, resentment, sullenness, or deliberate/repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible. It is a defense mechanism, and (more often than not) only partly conscious. For example, suppose someone does not wish to attend a party. A passive-aggressive response in that situation might involve taking so long to get ready that the party is nearly over by the time they arrive.When your in a passive aggressive relationship, you and the other person are in an unhealthy relationship. Why is that? Because each of you learn how to control the other person with your emotions and actions.When you are a passive person, you withhold your thoughts and feelings from others. When you are an aggressive person, however, you believe that your opinions are more important than the other person. So, when you combine passive and aggressive, you have got “Nothing is bothering me. I’m fine!” (Three days later…) Your screaming, fighting, and yelling at your significant other because he or she didn’t do what you wanted, needed, or expected. This occurs until both partners are so drained that they either start avoiding each other, start yelling at each other, or are on the verge of a breakup or divorce.Being a passive-aggressive person creates passive-aggressive relationships, which means your behavior is affecting the other person, whether you’re aware of it or not. Although you have the right to be angry, sad, and/or frustrated, you do not have the right to control someone else with your emotionshope i helpedd.
What does passive-aggressive mean? Can you give examples of passive-aggressive behavior?
Q: I’ve heard this term many times throughout my life, but I’ve never known what it meant and was embarrassed to ask!
A: Passive-aggressiveness is a personality trait in which the person indirectly specifies something that they want done, usually because they are afraid or consider it rude toask bluntly. This can get very annoying. For instance, if someone is visiting another person’s house and there is a draft from the window, instead of asking the host to close the window, a passive-aggressive person will most likely start shivering and/or commenting on how cold it is, until the host gets the hint that they want the window closed.
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