What causes humans to act violent

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Previous abuse, stress, anger, and hatred are all things that can cause humans to act violently. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-humans-to-act-violent ]
More Answers to “What causes humans to act violent
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Holistic mission is the living out of our purpose. Soli Deo Gloria. IJFM Endnotes ・ 1 This formulation has been recently published (Allen 2005, 11). It probably originated with Tetsunao … ・ 2 The traditional distinction has been between e…
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That is a great question. I’m not sure there is any archeological evidence to suggest and answer. . I do know that until fairly recently (early 1900’s) there were some societies that believed a girl had to be deflowered to get pregnant but …
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Question to faithful Christians only?
Q: Other please, please don’t mess up here. I have a serious question.This is not exactly about food, but the humanity and “peaceable kingdom”.Though I would be most faithful to God, but not a total hypocrite, judgmental, neither ignorant to what is happening around me, and engaging others to do for me. (“SLOTH”: One of the 7 deadly sins by Satanic act : Laziness, hypocrite, ignorance, stupidity and blind faith). Bible teaches us how smart is Satan, and how he delude human to cause violent across the line of brotherhood, gender, countryman, tribe, religions and species. The Garden of Eden, God’s perfect world, was vegetarian (Gen. 1:29-30). Immediately, God calls this ideal and non-exploitative relationship “good” (Gen. 1:31). But later the Satan became the Ruler of this earth (until today). There follow many years of fallen humanity, when people held slaves, waged war, ate animals and committed various other violent acts. But the prophets tell us that the peaceable kingdom will be nonviolent and plants; even the lion will lie down with the lamb (e.g., Isaiah 11). Jesus is the Prince of Peace, who ushers in this new age of nonviolence. When Christians pray, “Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven,” the one prayer given to us by Jesus, this obligates us to change our lives, to make choices that are as merciful and unconditional love as possible. There will be no factory farms, slaughterhouses and Battlefields in heaven.If you belief that the Bible is right about the “heavenly” deeds in His Kingdom to come, and His “desire”, why don’t we perform the same “heavenly” purpose today. Isn’t this the most glorifying the God rather than praising and motivating Him daily?Yes, David. You can eat meat at any speed and rate that you like, as long as not causing gluttony and impact to others/earth. Christians have a choice. When we sit down to eat, we can add to the level of violence, misery, and death in the world, or we can respect His creation with a peaceful diet.Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to understand the awfulness of innocent suffering. The Cross of Christ is God’s absolute identification with the weak, the powerless, and the vulnerable, but most of all with unprotected, undefended, innocent suffering. All these are logical meaning of our our daily Rosary.Dear “kiahsobyk”, Oop, Luke 24:41 “they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish and some honeycomb. 43 And He took it and ate in their presence.”Read properly the phrase…He took “it” … is singular. He took “it” and ate, but not the both.Similarly SLAVERY was practiced and supported in the Bible. But today, the slavery is obsessive to us, and how our forefathers released themselves from prejudice by most vulnerable.
A: You have a point but, please, be a little less judgemental.Human teeth suggest we are designed as vegetarians, and much food is wasted in producing meat.But there are bigger issues.(Yes, I am a vegetarian. Nor do I take alcohol which, equally, destroys food in production)
How come the media is not better regulated?
Q: Society also has a major impact on violence. Television, media, and video games are a couple. The high violent content in video games and the highly pornographic exposure on the internet. The highly sexual exposure of women increases the testosterone levels in males. Also, the objectification of females also contributes to violence against women. This is because males are no longer are viewing females as a living human, but as a toy for their pleasure. Therefore, it causes a lack of remorse for any violent acts males impose of females.A similar response is displayed quite frequently in animals. The males tend to be more aggressive when they have not engaged in a mating practice during mating season. Also, the younger males tend to be more aggressive because they have higher levels of testosterone.I guess you are right. If it was overly regulated, then it would move the demand and supply underground.
A: have you ever heard of the bill of rights? or maybe the first amendment? also, when people stop watching violent sexual television, people will stop producing it.
Is it good to drink milk? The text is too long but worthwhile read….?
Q: es esta pagina linkhttp://notmilk.com/kradjian.htmlThe most important information dissemination my.Not that, but I can make your text too long jajaja.If I write bad is that I am leading a translator jaja
A: wow. Looks like you had allot of thought to this. My thoughts to this. People have been drinking milk for positively centuries and millenia. If you like it, drink it. If you don’t, don’t.
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