What is sociopathic disorder

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Sociopathy is now called Antisocial personality disorder. The person has a pattern of anti-social behavior and often crime, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-sociopathic-disorder ]
More Answers to “What is sociopathic disorder
Are there free/government programs to get therapy for someone wit…?
I understand your situation. You should be able to find a mental health clinic close to you. They are usually free or charge according to income. You might want to try some of these.
Are all people with Antisocial Personality Disorder sociopaths??
Sociopathic behavior can fall within a range from being a disgruntled loner to vandalizing strangers’ cars. Labels give the impression of a “different sort” of problem, but it really has more to do with symptomatic behavior. A soc…
What other emotional disorders exhibit some sociopathic character…?
Psychopathy, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Asocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are probably the closest. Some sources do not differentiate among some of these and sociopathy…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

My stepdaughter has been diagnosed with Sociopathic disorder what type of discipline is best ?
Q: She is 17. I knew there was something wrong when I came into her life 8 years ago but my husband thought she was going through some type of phase and would grow out of it. She would hurt little animals and said she wanted to see her father dead “like road kill”. She also tried to kill another child at a skating rink. I was told she would bite herself until she bled from the time she was a toddler. I never knew a child quite like her. I raised three of my own but I could usually talk to them and they would feel ashamed of what they did if they hurt others. This did not work with her. She does not feel shame or remorse and this approach was no use. She usually tells her father what she thinks she wants him to hear to get on his good side. She admitted she enjoys manipulating others and does not like it if I try to discipline her. She is living with us now because her mother is on drugs and cannot care for her. Someone that knows something about this disorder please give us some advice?She has been in and out of mental hospitals but she was only diagnosed with anti social disorder before. Now we have a new diagnosis of Sociopathic disorder. I have tried to get her mother and father to see she needed intervention early on to no avail. I don’t even fully know what this new diagnosis is yet.
A: I believe that antisocial disorder and sociopathic disorder are pretty similar – you’d want to check with whoever diagnosed her for more info. Manipulative children are often very hard to work with. How does she respond when you discipline her? Does she become violent or aggressive? I have worked in a residential treatment center for violent/aggressive children for 8 years and have come across this type before. Treatment generally includes parents not hooking into the manipulation (as incredibly hard as this is) and therapy working on establishing some kind of sympathy/empathy for others. Family counseling might be needed to help you as parents learn how to work best with this child. Did the family receive therapy while she was hospitalized? If not, this is something that definitely should be looked into. This sounds like a very tough situation and I hope the best for you and your family.
How do people with narcissistic personality disorder get treated?
Q: It seems that one of the main symptoms they exhibit is that they believe nothing they do is wrong (I guess this would be true of people with sociopathic personality disorder as well, and maybe a few other ones). So how do they get to treatment, if they don’t see themselves as having a problem?Perfect love/perfect trust: I feel your pain and am sorry you had to go through it. Fortunately, this is not my spouse though it is a close relative.
A: Most narcissists don’t ever receive treatment, or even a diagnosis, and those that do get diagnosed usually do so only because they have been forced into it by their loved ones.
are there free/government programs to get therapy for someone with bipolar disorder and sociopathic tendencies
Q: my brother has no reliable income to pay for therapy and is unable to work due to his condition we need to know if there are ANY free programs to help him what steps should i take if he is unwilling to help himself and is a danger to others
A: I understand your situation. You should be able to find a mental health clinic close to you. They are usually free or charge according to income. You might want to try some of these.
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