What do deserts mean in dreams

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To dream that you are walking through a desert, signifies loss and misfortune. You may be suffering from an attack on your MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-deserts-mean-in-dreams ]
More Answers to “What do deserts mean in dreams
What does it mean to dream of blood and the desert??
I think that often, the actual ‘things’ in dreams are not as important as how you react to them. Try thinking about how the blood, the desert, and any other part of the dream you remember made you feel, and think about something going on in…
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It means that your freinds are veryyy loyal to you and want you to live even tho they might not be able to
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the car symbolizes what u are missing, in ur conscience, the things u want (i.e. a car) the snow may resemble ur emotions being held back, or it could be a symbol of a wish. the roads may be possible futures that u must decide on. i underst…

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A: To dream of a scorpion, foretells that false friends will improve opportunities to undermine your prosperity. If you fail to kill it, you will suffer loss from an enemy’s attack. Refer to http://www.udreamt.com/Meaning-of-Words-in-Dreams/scorpion.html?directory=2
I’ve had two dreams of my friend dieing, what does it mean?
Q: My first dream was about me & my friends were at a desert and my friend Jake died, then my second dream was that he had a fever. So, he got rushed to the hospital; he couldn’t breath, then he died. I don’t know if my dreams meant if he is going to die, because i had it two nights in a row. Should i tell him? Can someon give me a straight, helpfull answer, please.
A: I honestly DONT think your friend is going to die, but maybe your dream is trying to tell you something.The only possible reason i could think of about your dream is that your friend is unhealthy. Is your friend fat? Does he eat healthy or exercise enough? Is there anything about him physically, mentally, or socially that is extremely unhealthy?I think your dream means that something about your friend’s lifestyle is very unhealthy for him, and your friends lifestyle might hurt himself whether it be mentally, socially, and physically.Take a second and think about all the unhealthy things about your friend……everything unhealthy about him…..if you figured it out, bring up a conversation about it and talk to him about it.P.S. Dont tell your friend about your dream, people usually dont take dreams seriously unless they can “feel” the emotions that you go through during your dream.
I need to know what my dreams mean….?
Q: I have been having some reoccuring dreams and I would really like to know what they mean.Dream #1. I’m in my uncles truck having a nice conversation when he pulls off the road and we crash into the lake. The water is really clear. I’m terrified of drowning however so I start to panic trying to get out. The doors are locked and so are the windows and I have to shatter the windshield to get out, but once I’m out everything is fine.Dream #2. I’m on a deserted beach by myself. I have on a flowing white cotton dress, barefoot, and my hair is long and curly with ribbons throughout it. I’m holding something in my hand tightly and I’m screaming for my boyfriend. I can hear him answer me, but I can’t see him. I sit down on the beach and begin to cry, I never let go of whatever is in my hand, and I can feel him wrap his arms around me from behind and he tells me that everything is okay and he loves me (which he has never told me in real life) and I’m shocked to hear him say this so I turn around to look at him and he’s gone.I’m going nuts!!!!
A: The unconscious mind is incredibly powerful. It is charged with the responsibility of running our entire body, from cradle to grave, 24/7. Could you imagine having to remember to tell your heart to beat? (Oops…I forgot…argggggggggggg!) LOL!One of the greatest functions of our body is the creation of dreams as a means of stabilizing our psyche using dramatic scenes. Through the powerful wisdom of the unconscious mind, we are allowed to act out scenarios that might cause us pain or embarrassment in our waking life. It is important to remember that our dreams are solving a problem for us, and our understanding of this process can profoundly affect our waking life. I believe your question is sincere, and I will give you my best effort:Dream #1:You haven’t provided any information on your relationship with your uncle, but the net result of the dream is he is probably dead from drowning. Your unconscious mind has solved a problem for you, and only you know why this was neccesary for your well-being.Dream #2:You are holding your baby in your hands, and your boyfriend is the father. Now, what I am about to tell you will be upsetting, but will provide understanding. I get the strong impression that the baby is not alive. The longing for genuine commitment and intimacy from your boyfriend is very evident, and seems to overwhelm you. Somehow, your unconcious mind understands that no matter how strongly you want it to be so, your boyfriend will not truly be there for you when it matters the very most. The truth is, emotionally you are on a deserted island by yourself. This very poignant and dramatic scene was played out to show you in a very stark way that he is not a proper life mate, no matter how strong your feelings of love may be. Heed the wisdom of your inner mind, and listen to the story it has told you, and the color of the powerful emotions. You are not going nuts btw. Dreams provide a releif valve to deal with our most powerful emotions so we can get on with our life. You have been given a great deal to think about from your unconscious mind, and I do wish you well.
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