What does stealing money in a dream mean

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What does stealing money in a dream mean”,you can compare them.

If you dream of stealing from a person or place you know, that is where you should look to for the emotional fulfillment you seek. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-stealing-money-in-a-dream-mean ]
More Answers to “What does stealing money in a dream mean
What does stealing money in a dream mean
If you dream of stealing from a person or place you know, that is where you should look to for the emotional fulfillment you seek.
What does it mean when you have a dream about people stealing mon…?
that helpless feeling that you can’t catch up now is overwhelming. I think it’s an anxiety dream. Plus something to do with anger unable to be let off. Frustration. Fear that all that you worked for is for nothing. You must somehow overcome…
What does it mean to dream of stealing two silver forks??
that you might be tempted my a great chance even though you know that its wrong. or it could just be random

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Q: recently i have been having recurring dreams about stealing money form a church! what could this imply?
A: You like money.
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Q: Your answers are most helpful. I’m trying to buy a house. The broker is telling me all I can get is %7 with a pyament of $2000 a month. Yes it would leave me broke. Does this mean not to get the house?
A: that helpless feeling that you can’t catch up now is overwhelming.I think it’s an anxiety dream.Plus something to do with anger unable to be let off.Frustration.Fear that all that you worked for is for nothing.You must somehow overcome your attachment to worldly things.
What does ” finding money” and “being robbed” mean in a dream?…?
Q: I sometimes have some weird dreams, and I often see money in my dreams…And strangely, I have both positive and negative dreams, about money:Positive dream : i’m walking and find 20€ banknotes on the floor, like every 5 miinutes,and I find so much money that I can’t even put it all in my pockests,And I get rich like this, just by finding money wherever I go, on the floor… Negative dream ;I’m at a restaurant, and I’m going to the restoom. I let my wallet on the table. I come back to my table, check my wallet and notice that all my credit cards and my banknotes have just been stolen…What do those dreams mean?And why do I have dreams that are totally opposite? ( getting money, and losing money)Thanks
A: Im not sure. It was just a human brain activity. Dreams are just Dreams,But you never know. You could be lucky and find some money.
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