What is a concentric exercise

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Concentric contractions occur when a muscle shortens in length & develops tension e.g. the upward movement of a a biceps curl. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-concentric-exercise ]
More Answers to “What is a concentric exercise
Are resisted concentric exercises important after hip or knee sur…?
For the first 6–8 weeks, the patient can perform isometrics and active ROM exercises against gravity. Concentric exercises against resistance should be avoided. After 6–8 weeks, resisted open kinetic chain strengthening with 1–10 lbs. can b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

when performing the lat pull exercise the elbow joints are ?? isometric, concentric, abduction, or adduction?
A: Elbow joints don’t abduct or adduct, so I would rule those two choices out. If you are referring to the starting position of the elbows when performing the exercise, it would actually be the shoulder joint in the abducted position, then moving into the adducted (and extended) position. At the same time, the elbows would first be extended, and then flexed with the lat pull exercise.I would rule out an isotonic contraction because you are moving the joint during the motion (isotonic contractions don’t produce joint movement). A concentric contraction of the latisimus dorsi muscle directly moves the shoulder joint, not the elbow joint. However, during the pull exercise, the elbow muscles would undergo concentric contraction (to flex the joint).So, the best answer from the choices that you gave would be: concentric.
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Q: muscles, exercises, stretches, creatine, glutamine, concentric, eccentric…… anything in the fitness area
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