What is a good thing to say to someone that you hate

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‘I’ve better things to do then talk to you’, or ‘I just love it when you are around’ are 2 possible sarcastic comments. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-thing-to-say-to-someone-that-you-hate ]
More Answers to “What is a good thing to say to someone that you hate
Who hates it when someone says one thing to you and another thing…?
It sounds like there is a good reason she is a former BFF. People who say one thing and then turn around and say something different depending upon the person they are talking to usually are just insecure and afraid to speak up for themselv…
What are some good things to say to someone you hate that are kin…?
i always say “good one!” in a really sarcastic tone. this is only if i can’t think of anything else to say, people usually laugh and they come out looking like idiots

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A: Umm no he/she just isn’t my type. I like someone else tho Don’t use the “I don’t like anyone” excuse. Doesn’t work.
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