What is a phobia of dogs

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Cynophobia is known as the fear of dogs (or rabies) in the medical field. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-phobia-of-dogs ]
More Answers to “What is a phobia of dogs
What is the Phobia of Dogs called?
can be developed in some people. The fact that the dog is a domesticated superpredator and the increasing cases of dog attacks reported in media could be factors for developing a fear of dogs. The abnormal fear of dogs, i.e., a specific pho…
How to Conquer Your Fear of Dog Phobia
There is a high number of people who are terrified of dogs either because they have had bad experiences or it has been taught to them. I will help you overcome your fears and conquer this phobia.
What is Dog Phobia?
Dog phobia is one of a range of relatively common animal phobias which is usually acquired in childhood before the age of ten years. A slight fear of dogs is not uncommon in young children and is understandable in that large, boisterous dog…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I help my friend overcome her phobia of dogs?
Q: My friend has a phobia of dogs (big or small) and I want to help her overcome it. It is just the presence of the dog that gets her really scared. For an example, she can’t be in the same room if there is a dog in the room. But otherwise like pictures and movies of dogs are fine with her. How can I help her?
A: Well, you should get a licensed professional. But sometimes close friends help, since she may trust them more. I say ask a professional because they’ll probably know more, but its always your choice!
How do you get over phobia’s of dogs?
Q: I’ve got a friend that is scared of dogs. She used to be scared of cats but she went to counselling when she was younger and managed to get over her phobia of cat’s, but didn’t completely get rid of her fear of dogs. I’ve got a dog and it means she can’t come round. She is much better than she was but how could she get over completely? She wants to be able to come round.
A: yo. i used to be scared silly of dogs cuz i never had a dog in my life and never had been around them and cuz i watched rin tin tin k9 cop when i was a kid and heard all these stories of rottwilers killing kids but yeah…. i went to my friends house one day and i had no choice but to actually sit with a dog and touch it and pet it so i kind of got over my “fear” by petting a dog and playing with it for like 5 minutes. maybe you can sit with your friend and just help her chill with ur dog. after sitting with the dog for a while i figured out it was kinda dumb and got bored of me so it wasn’t all that scarey. oh well. dogs are fun. wish i had one wen i was a kid.
What is the Phobia of Dogs called?
Q: I know its a stupid question, but I’m really scared of dogs and was wondering if its a Phobia! Thanks for all of your answers!Hey Everyone thank you so much for all of your answers. I’m sorry i couldnt choose all of u for my best answer. Thanks again!!
A: can be developed in some people. The fact that the dog is a domesticated superpredator and the increasing cases of dog attacks reported in media could be factors for developing a fear of dogs. The abnormal fear of dogs, i.e., a specific phobia related to dogs, is called cynophobia.
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