What is one truth about human nature

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is one truth about human nature”,you can compare them.

One truth pertaining to human nature is that psychological problems are very dangerous, and can be very damaging. ChaCha away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-one-truth-about-human-nature ]
More Answers to “What is one truth about human nature
What is a good truth about human nature?
Humans are the poison of the earth. Humans are only generous when there’s nothing to loose. The more choices we have the harder it is to make a decision.
What are three truths bout human nature?
this is just a concept, not a truth. fortunately there is just one truth, one reality, all else are concepts.
Is there a film or documentary you can recommend which describes …?
If you like graphic horror and suspense and haven’t tried already, you could always watch Saw. There are actually five Saw movies out to date – you may well have seen them though. I think that, although extreme, they amply demonstrate human…

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A: is this your homework?
What is a good truth about human nature?
Q: I guess it doesn’t have to be good but I would like it to be a good truth if possible. Just basically some kind of quality that all humans have, like greed or jealousy.
A: Humans are the poison of the earth.Humans are only generous when there’s nothing to loose.The more choices we have the harder it is to make a decision.
Is there a film or documentary you can recommend which describes the truth about human nature very well?
A: If you like graphic horror and suspense and haven’t tried already, you could always watch Saw. There are actually five Saw movies out to date – you may well have seen them though.I think that, although extreme, they amply demonstrate human behavior when people are deprived of their basic freedom and are faced with mutilating themselves in order to save their own lives.On the other extreme, there’s the documentary concerning 9/11 (the programme of the same name). The demonstrates how people pull together in a crisis very poignantly 🙂
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