What is the biggest cause of stress for a teenager

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Instead of a stable and supportive family base to keep them from feeling overwhelmed at times of stress, many are the MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-biggest-cause-of-stress-for-a-teenager ]
More Answers to “What is the biggest cause of stress for a teenager
What’s the Biggest Cause of Stress in Your Life, and Why?
For the last eighteen months mine has been a Uni course and right now it is an essay which is due on Thursday. In general terms I think it is stressful when you take on extra activities no matter how much you want to do them. At the moment …
Why do big tanks cause stress to corn snakes?
larger enclosures do not cause stress. a lack of suitable hide areas does. if larger enclosures did cause stress then id imagine you would have nothing buy half dead corns unable 2 find food, all stressed out in the great ENDLESS wild, yet …
What Are the Biggest Causes Of Stress?
Stress is an unfortunate fact of life. And some of the biggest causes of stress (like rush hour traffic) just can’t be avoided. Do you have a job? Then you have to deal with getting reports done on time, pleasing the boss, or getting alo…

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Editing my essay…?
Q: I’m working on my Sociology essay and I’d really appreciate anyone who edits any of it (you can edit parts of it or the whole thing). Thanks!Essay:Stress affects teenagers almost every day. Many feel stressed-out when they have a test, job, or too many activities. It can even be caused from something as small as riding a roller coaster. Goals and challenges are the main cause because they are thought to be hard to complete. Stress is a well-known trigger for depression and can also affect physical health. It is important to identify the causes of stress in a teenager’s life and try to minimize them. Stress, no matter if it is small or big, occurs in teenagers’ lives today.Stress is the uncomfortable feeling of having pressure and it can be caused from many events. The main causes of stress in a teenager’s life come from school, work, activities, friends, and family. There are two forms that it comes in. The first form is called acute stress, which lasts for a short period of time. This can be caused from missing the bus, fighting with a friend, or giving a speech in school. Another kind of stress is chronic stress, which is long-term stress. Examples include repeated struggle in school, illness/disability, or an illogical fear (heights, bugs, etc). Most teenagers begin with acute stress and then gradually feel overwhelmed, which develops into chronic stress.The causes of stress come with both internal and external effects. It depends on the person, but the internal effects include anxiety, irritability, and nervousness. External effects include breathing faster, sweating, muscles tensing, dry mouth, keener senses, …lack of energy, headaches, and sickness. A stressed person tends to have trouble paying attention and have trouble recalling facts. A person who is ambitious or a perfectionist gains stress more often. All of this can cause a person to get into fights and lose friends.There is a process in the body that takes place when stress occurs. First, a hormone called epinephrine combines with adrenaline, which causes an “adrenaline rush”. The hormones and chemicals cause the body to increase blood pressure and heart rate. These responses prepare the body to deal with and recover from a physical attack. The body also suppresses the production of other chemicals to help increase protective responses. If the brain never puts its guard down, it develops chronic stress. The ability to sleep is the first to go. These effects occur if it’s real of imagined; it’s what we perceive. Suicide and depression can occur. Other serious effects are high blood pressure, reflux disease, asthma, ulcers, and……migraines.Every day teenagers face situations that can be stressful, which can develop when the teenager matures into an adult. Finding strategies to avoid and control stress are beneficial so that the person can mix a happy life with work. To become stress-free, the person has to change their thoughts, attitudes, feelings, communication, response, and circumstances. Physically, teenagers must eat healthy, get enough sleep (around eight to nine hours), and exercise. Teenagers should remember to keep ideas into perspective and be optimistic. Surrounding themselves with good friends, a good level of activities, and enough time to get school work done is key.Each day stress builds up in a teenager’s life, which can be negative as this carries into their adulthood. Once the brain understands that danger is gone, all of the symptoms of stress are gone. Sadly, some do not realize that the danger is gone, which can develop into serious problems. Most teenagers suffer from stress……and need to learn how to manage their stress in order to grow healthy in the ever-changing, stressful world.
A: I think it was good. The only advice i can come up with is that you should omit the words, am, is are, was, were, be, being, been. I know its hard to find replacement sentences when you have to release those words and make more complex sentences, but it’ll make your essay sound more ‘grown up’ i guess. anyway, take that into consideration. Good Luck!
Is anyone willing to critique my story so far?
Q: First, you’re completely lost when it comes to grammer and spelling.-x-I like your answer, and I’ll heed it, Melissa, but I spell the British way, so everything might seem topsy-turvy.
A: (First of all, people who critique your grammar and spelling should really check their own!) Your is an elaborate story but, like everyone else has indicated, it seems to meander along to some unknown destination. In other words, where is the story going? What is the message?It seems to me that you could use this as a good start to getting your words on paper-but not as a finished product.Sometimes it helps to disect your work paragraph by paragraph–take a close look at the point of view and make adjustments accordingly. Do you think this might work for you as a “diary” of sorts??Best,Pamela Tyree Griffin, Editor of http://joyfulonline.nethttp://theshinejournal.com
I need help witht the biggest make over ever! ?
Q: I’m 14 years old and I weigh 107kg (16st 8 pounds) and because I live in the Uk i’m like always Seeing beauty and I was thinking about it today. I was even googling random things like “how to look beautiful” and “how to beautify yourself” or “how to loose your double chin” (because i’m overweight I have one AND HATE IT! ) And I wanna give myself the most biggest make-over like ever! Okay so basically I want a whole new me so the things I wanna start with is…1.Body hair, I have it on my legs (Like women normally do) on my thighs on my hips, back,belley,back of the neck,inbetween legs,on the bottom of my arms and the top,shoulders,cheeks,lips(Well on the skin of my lip and under the bottom of it too /:[ ) and many more places. Basically I want to be hair free I dont want to have to live with this anymore, I feel more like an animal instead of an actual human being. I,ve herd you can get it permanently removed but thats just so expensive, cause it just is so ridicusly too much money just to look good these days. 2. My spots! the opposite to attractive, they make me look so ugly and unattractive and such a put off. And they seriously need to go! So what can I do to get rid of them. I herd that apperently the Netrogena Wave works so I could try that. I also unfortunatly have back acne too and I have it between my legs on my chin and shoulders and other places too. And I still have no idea on how I am going to remove them spots or Zits or whatever Americans call them :S PROBLEMS RIGHT!3.My hair, Its frizzy,knotty,bushy,tangled,a mess like always, an afro, and basically I just want it straight and dyed a different colour. Im gonna have it light brown with blonde underneath althought I was also thinking of having it another colour like having black underneath and like a light brown chesnut-redish colour ontop. And most of all i want it straight atm i have blonde bits in my hair, like blonde streaks and stuff and they lasted me a long time cause I had it done ages ago and i got a dye which would work in any type of hair so if I am going to dye my hair again I have to make sure that I can get one which will work in any hair. And most of all the hatred of most people these days is…My flab! My body fat, my put off when it comes to attractiveness. I cant diet, i’ve tried it so many times before and I just can’t. One minuet i’m motivated then next i’m like I can’t be asked. And I keep thinking about starving myself and I have no clue of what else I can do.I also shove my fingers down my throat and try and throw up but it never works, after a few minuets I have done it i just feel my stomach hurting and the acid inside being weird and all funny. I know that was stupid yes yes. I’m even going to a child Obesity clinic but I still really just can’t loose this weight and i’m afraid that my metobilsim (how ever you spell it) isnt working either.I really want a boyfriend but no one wants a overweight, spotty, ugly, putoff girl like me especaially at this age when you are a teenager. Im in year 10 at school btw (grade 10). So I really need this makeover so badly please help I want the guys who saw me as invisible to notice that i’m actually here and I want them popular and hot boys swooning at my feet please help PLEASE! I know I’m only 14 and stressing so much at my age but still I just wanna look perfect. :(Btw I am still kind of depressed even after having consouling and when you answer my questions be honest be dont be a bitch” thats what I always say anyway. But thanks to those answering so far. AND YES my depression is hindering my dieting thats why Im so crap at it. :S
A: If you really want help then I can try but you have to promise if you can not be sad Or mad at me. At your age, I would not worry much about body hair. Just remove them as any other teenagers do. With your hair, I think you are too young to change it and it will cost you a fortune as once you do it you have to maintain it. So try enjoying the hair you have. With your spots, the only solution is to drink 6-8 glasses of clear water. Now, I think you should continue trying to lose weight. So here’s a diet plan that I will give you and if you stick to it then slowly but eventually you will lose the weight. Breakfast: I slice of whole wheat bread and 1 boiled egg with low fat margarine OR 1 cup of cereal (whatever you want does not have to healthy but has to be 1 cup so buy a measuring cup) and a cup of skim milk. Snack 1 apple and 1 small yogourt Lunch Tuna sandwich (whole wheat) with light mayo Or chicken sandwich (whole wheat) no mayo Snack 1 apple and 1 small yogourt Dinner Whatever your family is having but half (exact half) of what you would normally have.
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