What is the main reason for stress

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the main reason for stress”,you can compare them.

There are many reasons for stress. Different people stress about different things. Some stress about work, family, relationships. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-main-reason-for-stress ]
More Answers to “What is the main reason for stress
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Yes unmanaged stress will keep the out breaks recurring. A stressful experience can often cause the herpes to re occur. Stress activates the adrenal glands which produce a hormone that adversely affects the immune system’s ability to fight …
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I know the main reason I get pimples is because I am stressed. Is there a free and easy way to relieve stress?
A: There is a free and easy way to help you relieve stress and that’s going for a walk everyday. Try to go a mile or even a few blocks for a week and then increase up more and more each week. Try get up to 2 or 3 miles at a nice even pace. Walking is one of the easiest things that help get rid of stress. Drink water as this will flush out your system better than soda drinks. Keep clean skin and try not to squeeze the pimples to prevent scaring. Use some over the counter lotion for the pimples. If the pimples continue to be an awful issue your doctor may prescribe something to heal them faster. Mostly the walking will always and forever be of a great way to do away with stress. Good Luck!
if stress is the main reason your loosing your hair and you stress less does your hair grow back?
Q: I’m starting to notice in the bathroom with the lights on that i can see my scalp so I’m losing my hair. I don’t know why. I’m only 22 and I’m just starting out as an actor so my hair means alot to me, atleast until I get my career going…I’m not prepared to shave my head to hide it just yet.I’m at a job which sort of makes me feel like my life isn’t going anywere and it causes me to have alot of stress, because I feel stuck…The job isn’t demanding but I’m the kind of person who stresses a fair bit about things.If stress is the cause of my hair falling out, does that mean if I eliminate most of the stress that my hair will begin to gorw back?
A: Could be a few reasons- Stress does cause hair loss, so try some anti-stress methods: meditation, healthy diet, exercise- Scalp health can cause hair loss: normally the skin can become ‘calcified’ which stops new hair from growing, and slowly kills the hair root. Think of it as gunk that builds up on the skin where the hair starts to grow, so the hair has to work hard to grow through the gunk. Eventually it gets thinner and thinner until it doesn’t grow anymore in that place. Try scalp treatments, natural oils & massages – your hairdresser can recommend a good product & treatment.
Do you often feel stress even there’s no reason for it?
Q: These time I, passing my final examinations of past academic term. However I don’t consider it as a main reason which caused stress. I’m calm and feel myself well. But anyway there’s something makes me uncomfortable as if I’m bored.
A: You are starting to first stages of depression same thing happened to me ..still don’t know what caused it .. Best thing find a passion quickly and get with it before it becomes full blown depression and anxiety .
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