What is the fear of gay people

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Homophobia is an irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-fear-of-gay-people ]
More Answers to “What is the fear of gay people
Why do Republicans fear gay people?
They don’t fear gay people. Their stand against gays is just to get more votes.
How do you overcome your fear of gay people becaus your niece jus…?
My aunt is gay and I have to deal with her and her alcoholic partner at holidays and special occasions. If I had a choice I wouldn’t go but since I’m just a teenager I have no say. The best thing to do is to accept her but still live and ac…
Why is it people are disgusted and/or fear gay people??
I think it is because people have deep seated fears that they “might” be gay. Too bad religion and society mess with peoples heads regarding this issue. I think if society saw guy/guy, woman/woman, woman/man relationships as norma…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is part of the fear of gay marriage the idea that children will become gay if they see gay people married?
Q: Opponents of gay marriage seem to always say it threatens marriage in general or family values so I can’t help but think some of the fear is that children will see gay people are married and decide being gay is okay so they will become gay themselves. What do you guys think?
A: I raised my daughter from age 14 on, (she is 21) from when I came out! She is not gay! But I can tell you that she is much more open minded and accepting of diversity, then most adults!!
What is your BIGGEST fear about gay people getting married?
Q: I don’t understand what fear people have about gay people getting married. Can someone tell me? I found this cool video on another site… http://www.sodahead.com/question/185417/what-is-your-biggest-fear-about-gay-people-getting-married/?link=wenfMaybe that will help. I dunno. I don’t see the big deal with others wanting the same benefits as man-woman couples. Maybe gay people will help the divorce rate.?
A: Gay people have no souls. How can they love?*sarcasm*
How can I get over my fear of Gay people ?
Q: I have absolutely nothing against them, it’s just that they freak me out. I have 2 or 3 gay friends, but we never talk about their homosexuality. It’s not like I would want to anyway. I just feel like I’m completely ignorant, and I want to get over it. But please don’t tell me to watch 2 dudes making out, or to ask my gay friends about their sexual life, cause that’s definitely not gonna happen.
A: Ignore the sex. Seriously. Do you think of your straight friends making out/having sex with another person everytime you see them? Of course not. They are people first, just like you. They have feelings, families, get angry, are hella funny & are your FRIENDS. You don’t have to ask about their sex life or talk about them ebing gaty. That is 1 small aspect that makes up the ENTIRE person that they are.
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