What is an experimental psychologist

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an experimental psychologist”,you can compare them.

Experimental psychologist approaches psychology as 1 of the natural sciences, investigates it using the experimental method. Cha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-experimental-psychologist ]
More Answers to “What is an experimental psychologist
What is an experimental psychologist?
Experimental psychologists are scientists who have studied human behavior and have learned to design, perform and analyze scientific research . They initially learn topics such as experimental design and statistics as well as gain a general…
What Can an Experimental Psychologist Tell a Jury?
Geoffrey R. Loftus, professor of psychology, will discuss his research on visual information loss at any particular distance, and how it relates to what may be considered evidence by a jury in court cases in which visual perception is a rel…
Which of the following individuals is also a physician clinical p…?
The psychiatrist is a physician. The psychiatrist is a medical doctor with a specialty in psychiatry.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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Q: Do they each hold different licenses?
A: Clinical treat patients with psychotherapy. Experimental psychologists conduct experiments, and discover new things for the clinical psychs to put to use during therapy.
Because it is often necessary to conceal certain aspects of an experiment, experimental psychologists may use?
Q: Because it is often necessary to conceal certain aspects of an experiment, experimental psychologists may use the technique of projection. subliminal stimulation. deception. conversion.
A: deception….although today it is rarely used unless absolutely necessary….
Suppose that you are an experimental psychologist…?
Q: Suppose that you are an experimental psychologist. You are interested in the role of physical exercise in classroom performance. You set up an experiment in which 100 students do a prescribed exercise routine and 100 who do not. They are all taking an English writing class under the direction of Ms. Dowrite. She does not know who is who. Answer the following questions:1. What is the independent variable of the experiment?2. What is the dependent variable?3. What does the term confounding variable mean for the final results?4. What does a +.85 correlation mean?5. What is higher? a +.85 or a -.90 ?6. What do we call the group not doing the exercise?Please help me out with these questions! Thanks!
A: The answers to these question should be in your text book.
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