What is the minimum IQ score to be considered a genius

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In order to be considered a real ‘genius’, you must be able to score over 170 on the I.Q. test. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-minimum-iq-score-to-be-considered-a-genius ]
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What is the minimum IQ score for the genius category??
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the minimum IQ score to be considered a genius?
A: It depends on the particular test that measures IQ since the tests don’t measure the same way.MENSA refers to this:http://www.mensa.org/index0.php?page=10″The term “IQ score” is widely used but poorly defined. There are a large number of tests with different scales. The result on one test of 132 can be the same as a score 148 on another test. Some intelligence tests don’t use IQ scores at all.”
what is the minimum iq score to consider he or she is genius?
A: 150What is YOUR IQ level genius?????
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