Why do they say excuse my French when people swear

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“Excuse my French” is a coy phrase used when someone who has used a swear-word attempts to pass it off as French. ChaCha again! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-they-say-excuse-my-french-when-people-swear ]
More Answers to “Why do they say excuse my French when people swear
Why do people say excuse my french when they swear?
because parden my yiddish doen’t sound as good
Why do people say ‘excuse my french” after swearing??
“Pardon my French” or “Excuse my French” is a common English language phrase ostensibly disguising profanity as French. The phrase is uttered in an attempt to excuse the user of profanity or curses in the presence of tho…
When French people swear do they say excuse my ‘Anglais’?
No they don’t. When we swear we just say “excuse me” = “excuse moi” or “pardon” but we don’t involve other people who don’t have anything to do with it lol To Firefly : french people do apologize when they swea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people say “excuse my french” when they swear?
Q: Do the french also say “excuse my french” when they cuss someone?
A: This is quite a common thing and its origin is historical. It dates from the time when England and France were at war.Propaganda at the time was quite virulent and disparaging remarks were common, some of which are still used today. For instance, going AWOL is still called ‘taking French leave’, a condom is still called a ‘French letter’, and, as you’ve noticed, ‘pardon my French’ = sorry for the bad language.And it’s not just France, England also used to be at war with the Netherlands (‘Dutch courage’ = alcohol), and before that, Wales (‘Welshing on a bargain’ = being dishonest) and there are many other examples.Hope this helps!
When French people swear do they say excuse my ‘Anglais’?
Q: You know when people say s–t they say “Excuse my french”Do you think it would work for them? what about other languages??
A: No they don’t. When we swear we just say “excuse me” = “excuse moi” or “pardon” but we don’t involve other people who don’t have anything to do with it lolTo Firefly : french people do apologize when they swear. Why do all other countries think we’re so rude. Some people in France don’t swear at all.
Why is it when Americans swear they say “excuse my french”?
Q: I’m not French but in my opinion i think that is a bit rude
A: I guess it is just so common we just use it without knowing why. It is a little offensive. Please, Please Please help with mine: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080818203453AAeNZJu
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