What makes people want to kill

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Violence is a cycle, the more are around violence, the more likely they think it’s OK. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-makes-people-want-to-kill ]
More Answers to “What makes people want to kill
What makes people want to kill themselves?
sometimes they do it because they love some one and dosent want to live with out them
What makes people want to kill insects?
Its so unfortunate that people want to kill insects without thinking about ramifications on the eco system and the food chain. Birds and lizards eat insects and there are many beneficial incects like ladybugs and pollinators that get killed…
What makes people want to kill others?
hatred, anger to man kind, just plain whim, frustration, the pure joy of killing someone or something there not. ther can be numirous and disturbing posibilites of a serial killer, the best person to ask would be a serial killer them selves…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What makes people want to kill others?
Q: Like, serial killers for example. What makes them want to kill people? There is obviously some psychological reason as to why they do. I’m looking for an answer deeper than, “they were messed up as kids,” please.Thank you.
A: hatred, anger to man kind, just plain whim, frustration, the pure joy of killing someone or something there not. ther can be numirous and disturbing posibilites of a serial killer, the best person to ask would be a serial killer them selves. and if you think about it, something that makes you happy you want to keep those endorphines corsing through your body so thats why they continue doing what they do.
What makes people want to kill other people?What makes them think they have the right to kill someone?
Q: In self defense I understand but to just shot somebody for no good reason it just ain’t right.
A: Its a combination. Take fred west for example. Very abusive childhood, badly beaten by his father, smothered and sexually abused by his mother. It eventually created a link between sex and excessive violence. He also failed academically, having a very low IQ and suffered at least two serious head injuries. Suffice to say the result of all this was not good. I don’t think people like him think they have the right to kill. I think its more likely they just don’t care about human life. For them, their life has been so devalued that they don’t see how important it is.
What is it about religion that makes people want to kill those who they disagree with?
Q: Recently, religious nuts have murdered innocent people. Are you just as concerned about far right Christians are you are far right Muslims?nd fan…”alleged Christian?”
A: It comes from the inflated sense of self-entitlement that is gained from believing you have the one infallible truth and of course, claiming to know invisible beings.
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