What to do about people obsessed with wolfs

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Many people like wolves because they are a wild and elusive animal that they haven’t seen outside of a zoo. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-to-do-about-people-obsessed-with-wolfs ]
More Answers to “What to do about people obsessed with wolfs
Why is Wolf obsesses with asking people what they think??
See my explanation of why this is not journalism by clicking here . There are opinion poll type questions thought his broadcast; many times at the commercial breaks. He also asks all his viewers for their opinion regardless of the person’s …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why are so many people obsessed with wolves?
Q: I never got the wolf obsession some people have. If you browse around on DeviantArt and the likes, you can find lots of wolf drawings (not to be confused with photographs of wolves) in all kinds of colors and elements. Fire wolves, ice wolves, darkness wolves, wolves with wings, wolves without wings, wolves with chicken wings, kawaii wolves, wolf families, wolf couples, magical wolves, and the like. There are even anime characters drawn as wolves!Why such a random fascination with wolves? It’s as if community had to pick ONE animal female adolescent pre-teens and teenagers had to obsess about. And the wolf was chosen. And why not a much more noble animal, such as the pig?Give your thoughts.Personally, wolves are overrated. I think of them as renegade dogs. Mongrels.The pig, now THAT’s a noble beast.
A: common psychologymost people who have dogs like wolves
Why are the Liberals obsessing about Sarah killing wolves, but are so OK with the aborting of human babies?
Q: Killing these wolves is mandatory, and there is a season for it, if we did not, there would not be any Caribou! And it is determined by Fish and Wid life, .it is legal….every year there is a season for wolfs, moose, etcAbortion is open season all year long for the Liberals!?
A: Hunting is legal, and unfortunately abortion is, too. The hypocrisy bothers, me too. I think the reason for the disconnect is that liberals are chiefly social liberals and want the convenience of abortion available to them. It’s no skin off their noses if some hunter in Alaska is barred from killing a wolf, but if you take away their “right to choose” they are all up in arms.
What is so special about the “Three Wolves Shirt” and why is everyone obsessing over it all of a sudden?
Q: I really have no idea what everyone is obsessing over.So someone want to fill me in? Thank you! 🙂
A: It’s an internet joke started by collegehumor.com. It’s so uncool that it’s now cool. The joke is that wearing the shirt has magical properties. Some of the “fake” testimonials about the shirt are pretty funny. Forgot to add the link to amazon with the testimonials.
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