Why do girls like to shop so much

Health related question in topics Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do girls like to shop so much”,you can compare them.

Girls like to shop because girls like stuff. Cha Cha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-girls-like-to-shop-so-much ]
More Answers to “Why do girls like to shop so much
Why do girls like to shop so much?
Because in the girl world it is a competion in fashion. You need the newest thing to become the envy of your friends. The more you see things on the magazines telling you the lastest spring trends. Also, girls seem to buy more fashion and h…
Why do girls like shopping so much?
In this modern world of fashion, style has become a statement. Today for every girl to look presentable has become an important factor. And so shopping for cosmetics, clothes, bags, sandals, shoes, etc has become a daily routine. Girls gene…
Why do girls like to go shopping so much?
that’s an awfully broad judgement…. my brother likes shopping more than I do. it honestly depends in the person. in our culture, girls are shown with that interest and as a result it has become more of a pastime and an activity rather tha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do girls like to shop so much?
Q: I know its a weird question. Anyways I am a girl. And I LOVE to shop. But why? Why do we, girls love to shop so much? Is it because we receive new items? But anyways we go shopping like every weekend (maybe) and we get new items. So why? Can someone help!?
A: Because in the girl world it is a competion in fashion. You need the newest thing to become the envy of your friends. The more you see things on the magazines telling you the lastest spring trends. Also, girls seem to buy more fashion and housing as men are stereotype as well to buy more cars and materials for the house. It is because both genders buy stuff but it different areas. It also makes us feel better that you bought some new and shiny to you. But then in about a week it gets old and you discover that you want something else or better. Take the blackberry storm this year it’s hot but last year the blackberry pearl was. It’s about having the lastest thing first. It is also some consider costly therapy. It gets your mind off your problems but if you over do it you might get into debt so keep track of your spending and know what your buying. Do some questions and look around because you might find some stuff cheaper at other places that is exactly the same.
Why do you think girls shop so much!?
Q: Girls love to shop right? Well most girls do and alot of girls spend so much money on shoes and clothes i was just wondering y!
A: Girls have too much time on their hands, and shopping gives them a feeling of purpose. It often helps form their identity as well. Shopping is fun (I am an eBayaholic) but if not done wisely then it can be a bad thing. All good things come in moderation.
Girls, why do love to shop soo much?
Q: Why do you keep on shopping when you already own so much things?
A: It is in built in us from primitive society. We would gather roots and berries. Now we gather shoes and napkin holders!Its also fun to try on things. You get to play dress up with all kinds of clothes and shoes that you do not need to buy! Of course somethings are hard to resist….
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