Could it be an abscess

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “Could it be an abscess”,you can compare them.

A:Symptoms of an abcessed tooth are fever, pain when chewing, sensitivity to temperature, bitter taste, foul breath, swollen MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Could it be an abscess
Hi, my experience with a mouth abscess is it hurts like hell, your temp can go right up so can the side of your face. Let go they can be extremely dangerous, the infection gets into your blood and can easy make the short distance to your br…
Yeah my horse has done the same thing twice now. With the weather lately both my vet and my farrier have told me they have seen hundreds of abscesses. With your horse not putting any weight on the leg at all this is a good sign that the abs…
Symptoms of an abcessed tooth are fever , pain when chewing, sensitivity to temperature, bitter taste, foul breath, swollen MORE?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If I were on antibiotics for an abscess, could I still get more abscesses at that time?
Q: An abscess recently formed on my body- it has been operated on, and it still open. I am currently on antibiotics to fight infection.Would it be possible for new abscesses to form while taking these antibiotics? A little bump showed up on my body yesterday; what are the chances of that bump developing into an abscess?
A: Yes a new abscess or infection can form even if you are currently on antibiotics. If you develop an abscess due to a different bacterial organism that is not susceptible to the antibiotic that you are on, then you can develop an entirely new infection. This can also happen when you are on antibiotics, which kill the susceptible organisms and then the other organisms can have an overgrowth, leading to a new infection. You need to let the Dr. who is treating your abscess look at the new bump. He can take a culture or tissue sample if needed to see if any new bugs are growing there.
If i have had my tonsils removed can i still get an abscess?
Q: I had gotten abscess about 3 times and on the third time they decided to take out my tonsils. It’s about 2 1/2 years later and i feel the same as i did with my other abscess. Could it be possible to get an abscess with no tonsils.
A: I get abcesses and I think I had my tonsils taken out.Abcesses are infections in the body so I think you can get them without tonsils.
Could an untreated abscess on a tooth cause mild hearing loss and a ringing in the ear?
Q: Please don’t lecture about going to the doctor or anything else, I’m working on it. I’m just being curious until I get there because until I am seen they can not (or in all reality due to the fear of being sued will not) give me a straight answer.
A: An untreat abscess can definitely cause the problems you describe. The infection and inflammation spreads to the sinuses. This then can affect the inner ear, the eustachian tubes, etc. This would cause pressure that would make it difficult to hear and can also cause “ringing” (tinnitus) in the ear. Do get that taken care of as soon as possible. If you have a dental college in your area, the school usually has a “quick response” clinic set up for patients without dental insurance. Fees are sliding scale. Feel better soon.
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