What are leeches used for

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Surgeons who do plastic and reconstructive surgery find leeches useful when regrafting amputated appendages. They help blood flow. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-leeches-used-for ]
More Answers to “What are leeches used for
What are leeches used for
Surgeons who do plastic and reconstructive surgery find leeches useful when regrafting amputated appendages. They help blood flow.
Why are leeches used today?
to help reattach tissues by sucking the blood to help the blood flow until the vein reconnects.
Are leeches still used for medicine today?
I was not aware that using leeches for bloodletting was still in practice. People here have told me that after some surgeries patients “get leeched” in order to minimized blood clots. When leeches bite you, they release an anticoagulant enz…

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I am interested in using leeches for medical treatment.Could you please tell me where I can ge them ?
Q: can anyone tell me what restrictions , if any , there are on the use of leeches on a person? Are there courses available to use leeches? preferably around Sydney Australia
A: Components of medicinal leech saliva that exert effects in the host’s body are:Hirudin Inhibits blood coagulation by binding to thrombin Calin Inhibits blood coagulation by blocking the binding of von Willebrand factor to collagen. Inhibits collagen- mediated platelet aggregation Destabilase Monomerizing activity. Dissolves fibrin. Thrombolytic effects Hirustasin Inhibits kallikrein, trypsin, chymotrypsin, neutropholic cathepsin G Bdellins Anti-inflammatory. Inhibits trypsin, plasmin, acrosin Hyaluronidase Increases interstitial viscosity. Antibiotic Tryptase inhibitor Inhibits proteolytic enzymes of host mast cells Eglins Anti-inflammatory. Inhibit the activity of alpha-chymotrypsin, chymase, substilisin, elastase, cathepsin G Factor Xa inhibitor Inhibits the activity of coagulation factor xa by forming equimolar complexes Complement inhibitors May possibly replace natural complement inhibitors if they are deficient Carboxypeptidase A inhibitors Increases the inflow of blood at the bite site Histaminelike substances Vasodilator. Increases the inflow of blood at the bite site Acetylcholine Vasodilator Anesthetics subsctance Anesthetic How much does blood lose the patient with a treatment? With a treatment with 8 leech the blutverlust for the patient is including to the Nachbluten with approx. 200 to 350 ml blood. “a small Egel sucks 2 – the quantity doubles itself 3 g, more largely to 30 g, on average by the postoperative hemorrhage. Generally one counts on an average value of 20 – is limited 30 g total blood loss per leech and to setting 4 – 12 copies in a meeting ” Does the bite of a leechs cause pain? The bite of a leechs is felt by the patients like Brennesseln or mosquito passes. The bite of the leechs is not painful thus. By the histamine-similar substances it can come in the process of the treatment to easy itching, similarly as with an insect bite. The leech saliva is filled with a chemical that contains a painkiller, which stops you from feeling the bite. The saliva also has a chemical, which keeps the blood from clotting. Does the bite of a leechs cause pain? The bite of a leechs is felt by the patients like Brennesseln or mosquito passes. The bite of the leechs is not painful thus. By the histamine-similar substances it can come in the process of the treatment to easy itching, similarly as with an insect bite. The leech saliva is filled with a chemical that contains a painkiller, which stops you from feeling the bite. The saliva also has a chemical, which keeps the blood from clotting. Are there side effects? With adequate execution of the leech therapy and attention of all contraindications heavy side effects arise very rarely. Local reactions is possible in the proximity of the point of bite, also cycle weakness occurs relatively more frequently. During a cramp vein treatment with that the leech directly on the Vene is set, gives it naturally a longer postoperative hemorrhage phase. A longer postoperative hemorrhage can put on however at any time by an appropriate druckverbandes to be stopped.Why are leeches being used in treating me? Leeches can relieve blood pooling around a muscle or skin flap better than drugs or other treatments. They are used to keep blood flow in muscle, skin and fat tissue that has been surgically moved from one part of your body to another. These tissues are also called flaps Why is leech therapy used instead of other medical treatment? In some cases, leeches do a better job by removing pooled blood than any other medical therapy What are the benefits of leech treatment? The benefits of treatment are not only the amount of blood that the leech removes but the anti-blood clotting enzymes in their saliva that allow blood flow from the area where they have been What is the biggest barrier to leech therapy? It has been the reaction that people have when they are told about the possible use of leeches in their care. Many people are afraid of these creatures crawling on their body
Does anyone know if medicinal leeches are still used and what they are used for?
Q: I thought I saw something about helping reattached limbs heal.
A: Yes I heard that after the part is reattached, the leeches are put on the end of the finger or whatever part was cut off, and they help the circulation of blood flow to keep the part alive.
what other uses for leeches are there or were there besides anything medical or clinical?
Q: Hi, my son has a science project to do where he has to find 5 other uses for leeches besides anything medical. He has searched web to no avail. Links would be appreciated
A: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?sec=health&res=9A0DE4D81439F937A35752C1A960948260
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