What are some skin related symptoms of MRSA

Health related question in topics MRSA .We found some answers as below for this question “What are some skin related symptoms of MRSA”,you can compare them.

A:Skin symptoms of MRSA: 1. skin will take on the appearance of a abscess or boil. 2. red in color. 3. skin will be pus filled [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-some-skin-related-symptoms-of-mrsa ]
More Answers to “What are some skin related symptoms of MRSA
What are some skin related symptoms of MRSA
Skin symptoms of MRSA: 1. skin will take on the appearance of a abscess or boil. 2. red in color. 3. skin will be pus filled

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Unexplained medical problems?
Q: I am a 22 year old male. I have always been a little overweight since I was a child. I have a history of asthma and depression, but other than that I have always been relatively healthy. In the last few years I have noticed some changes going on. Some things have been happening that have really concerned me in one way or another. I usually attribute it to anxiety and choose to ignore it. Let me start from the beginning.About 3 or 4 years ago I noticed some odd rashes on my skin. Brown in color, oddly shaped, but it was a consistent shape. it sometimes got lighter or darker but now it has almost disappeared. A few weeks ago I noticed some similar patches around my neck and shoulder area. I figured it was odd so I did what most other people do when they have a medical question but are too broke to go see a doctor… Web MD! I know reading that stuff will give you a panic attack just thinking about what you could have but hey, it was something. After checking some symptoms I googled some images of skin rashes hoping to match up what I had with someone else who had been diagnosed with something. I came across something that looked very similar, and it told me it was a lupus rash. I did some research and found out more about it but I figured the skin rash part of it was nothing to worry about and people just lived with it. However some new symptoms have me wondering.Last winter was horrible for me. I don’t know what I caught but it really knocked me on my butt for about three days. I had a severe fever and fatigue, but after 3 days of rest I felt better. Unfortunately somehow I ended up with an extreme case of Bronchitis which aggravated my asthma symptoms. I started taking my asthma medication again (I had stopped for the last 5 years because I never had anymore symptoms since I was a kid) and on some nights when I felt I couldn’t breathe I also took an albuterol nebulizer and my symptoms started to improve. One day I was at my fiance’s house and some things started to happen. On top of my allergies to her cats I kept coughing because of this bronchitis I couldn’t shake. I started having chest pains which freaked me out so I drove myself to the local Emergency Room. The diagnosis was Allergy induced asthma, and bronchitis with bronchospasms. I was prescribed a steroid (prednisone) to open up my airways and sure enough I got better. However one thing I notice now is that I sometimes feel like I don’t get enough air, like I can’t breathe in deep enough. It seems to happen more when I eat a lot so I have been avoiding eating as well. This really concerns me. I was not feeling well last night and I was searching online as usual for an answer. Out of the possible causes list of my symptoms (of about 50 different causes), up popped that name again. Lupus. Sigh. So I did some more searching to lupus related to some of my symptoms. These result alarmed me. I read a few personal accounts where people who had tested positive for lupus were experiencing very similar symptoms to what I have been feeling. One story was of a 10 year old girl who DIED from complications to lupus and MRSA. That scared the crap out of me. My fiance is pregnant and due later this year so I really want to make sure I am around for a long time to take care of her and my child. I just started a new job and another thing that alarmed me was when I had a drug test the report said they found trace amounts of protein in my urine. Hmm. Did some searching and the cause of that was also associated with symptoms of lupus. I am away from home for 4 weeks out of the month as an over the road truck driver and I have little time to be messing around with doctor’s appointments. Do I sound crazy or do I have reason to be concerned?
A: Please read the book Eat To Live by Joel Fuhrman.You can find links to it here: http://shopping.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=Aupn97xop7UTOutTbdvlVKabvZx4?p=joel+fuhrman&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701Follow the link to Amazon and read over 300 customer reviews for the book. Following Dr. Fuhman’s program for life will get rid of most if not all of you health problems. I have read a number of Dr. Fuhrman’s books and of all the many health books I have read over the years this is simply the best advice you can find for solving health problems naturally. I urge you to please get the book and read it.Success storieshttp://drfuhrman.com/success/success.aspxhttp://drfuhrman.com/success/SuccessStory.aspx?id=1
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