Why do throats get swollen

Health related question in topics Throat .We found some answers as below for this question “Why do throats get swollen”,you can compare them.

A:Throats get swollen for many reasons: Quinsy is a tonsil abscess, Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cancer… MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-do-throats-get-swollen ]
More Answers to “Why do throats get swollen
Why do throats get swollen
Throats get swollen for many reasons: Quinsy is a tonsil abscess, Oral squamous cell carcinoma is a type of cancer… MORE?
How do you get rid of a swollen throat?
Depends. Is is swollen from allergies or a cold? Allergies, take liquid Benedryl a cold (especially if congested), gargle with warm water and salt and take ibuprofen or some other Nsaid to bring the swelling. Source(s): Experience. I’ve …
How to Get Rid of a Swollen Gland in the Throat?
・ 1 Take a painkiller, such as extra-strength Tylenol (or a generic version). This can minimize pain and… ・ 2 Get some rest. Your body needs time to recover. Take a day off work or school and don’t engage in any… ・ 3 Gargle warm salt wa…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why do i get swollen throats, feet, face and hands with allergy?
Q: It always starts with an itch then the next thing i know the area starts to expand. The expantion happens event if i don’t sratch the area. I and diagnosed with sinus and allergy problems. This is not a seasonal problem; though i find it to be more frequent in the summer.
A: Everybody reacts different to allergans. You happen to swell up and itch. Are you taking some kind of antihistamine? Have you gone to an Allergy specialist? If not, that is the best thing you can do to find out exactly what you are allergic to, so that you can avoid it. They can also give you allergy shots for the worst allegies. The shots help by desensitizing your body to the allergan. Also they can put you on a medication that would work for all of your allergies.
Why does my throat swell after I eat?
Q: I will mention another issue I have with my mouth, just in case these two things are related. Ever since I was in my early teens, I’ve had this place on the floor of my mouth under my tongue that gets swollen, most of the time after I eat something sour. I am able to relieve the swelling by gently pushing down on this area with my tongue. When I do this, saliva is relseased out of what I believe to be a small hole the size of maybe a pencil point in the floor of my mouth, and the swelling is gone. I’ve always wondered what this is. More recently, a gland on the right side of my neck, right below my jawbone, has started swelling after I eat, but it’s after I eat anything sweet or sour (I first noticed it after eating some cherries). It gets pretty noticably swollen and bothers me for quite a while, then usually goes down on its own. I’m wondering if this all has something to with my salivary glands.
A: You have a blocked sublingual and submandibular gland. This may be caused by a narrowing of the gland or even by tiny stones in the gland; it is also occasionally caused by tumors. The gland swells after you eat because it fills with saliva; this is more pronounced after eating sour foods because sour foods make you produce more saliva! You MUST see a physician for this promptly; it isn’t going to go away and you’ve even stated it has worsened recently. Only a physician can determine why these glands are blocked and how to treat them. For the location of these glands, see http://www.pdf.org/AboutPD/med_treatment.cfm.
Ow. My throat is swollen. Help me please!?
Q: I have absolutely nothing else wrong with me. No drainage, No congestion, no fever, nothing. But my throat is swollen! Why is that? Could I possibly have strep throat? I’m suddenly feeling thirsty all the time and my throat is really dry. Does anyone know how I can reduce the swelling or get rid of this before it escalates to a worser level? Thank you so much!!!
A: Consider the cause: a bug that’s going around the office, enthusiastic cheering, or perhaps something more serious, such as strep throat. There are instant strep throat test strips that can tell you in less than 30 minutes if you have strep throat. Be aware, though, that these strips sometimes deliver false negatives.Step 2- Take an analgesic to reduce inflammation; aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for an adult, or acetaminophen or ibuprofen for children, as recommended by your doctor.Step 3- Suck on throat lozenges if you are an adult, especially those containing menthol, benzocaine or phenol, which numb the throat. Zinc lozenges may also be helpful. Children should suck on cough drops or hard candy.Step 4- Gargle with mint mouthwash or salt water.Step 5- Spray a throat spray containing numbing agents into the back of your throat, if you’re an adult.Step 6- Brush your tongue. Sometimes, removing the buildup on your tongue can lessen the soreness in your throat.Step 7- Rinse your toothbrush in mouthwash between brushings to kill bacteria.Step 8- Drink ice-cold beverages. Try filling a glass half-full of crushed ice; then pour fruit juice over the ice. Let it sit for 10 minutes, insert a straw and suck slowly, letting the juice rest a minute on the back of your throat.Step 9- Add moisture to your environment with a humidifier or vaporizer, or sit in a steamy shower or bath.Step 10- Eat soft or liquid foods, especially sherbets and chicken broth.Step 11- Avoid cigarette smoke and other airborne irritants.
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