What are the natural remedies for an abscess tooth

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A:Place a dry black teabag or a piece of potato inside of your cheek against the sore tooth & keep it in for a couple of hours & m? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-natural-remedies-for-an-abscess-tooth ]
More Answers to “What are the natural remedies for an abscess tooth
What are the natural remedies for an abscess tooth
Place a dry black teabag or a piece of potato inside of your cheek against the sore tooth & keep it in for a couple of hours & m?
How You Can Cure Abscess Tooth With Natural Remedies – AggScore:?
Looking to cure abscess tooth can be hard when the problem have advanced further. An abscess tooth can be mild with only a small infection, or it can be progressive invading not only the mouth, but the whole body. The first stage of an absc…

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How much garlic should be taken to benefit from antibiotic properties?
Q: I’ve been researching using all sorts of natural remedies. I know garlic can be used for a number of things and its benefits are innumerable. What I cannot find is “dosages”. I normally eat a clove of raw garlic a day, and when I’m sick I’ll add a few more. But I think I might be developing an abscess above a tooth, and I’d like to try to battle it with natural remedies before running off to the dentist. (Especially since dental care costs so much!) Does anyone know how much garlic should be taken in an instance like this, for battling infections? I’m not afraid of eating bunches of raw garlic, I’m just not even sure how much would be too much… if there is such a thing. 🙂 Don’t bother saying “Go to the dentist!” unless you plan on loaning me a few hundred dollars to pay for it. Don’t leave an answer unless you have valuable information relating to my question. 🙂 Thanks!
A: I dont know, I take garlic tablets, which you can get at any store, and each one is equal to one bulb and it says to take one per dayI just found an article here, where it says that people can eat 5 to 12 cloves a day.http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2007/10/15/unlocking-the-benefits-of-garlic/Its almost saying that 1 clove a day will do nothing for health benefits and it requires at least 2 or moreI dont find any results in google stating that too much will hurt youhttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&channel=s&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&hs=GlO&q=%22too+much+garlic%22&btnG=SearchI wouldnt go taking more than 1 of those tablets I take though, I would just eat raw cloves to be on the safe side.
A small bump at the bottom of my mouth?
Q: Ok, I had a filling in July. 2009. IT was a filling between the two teeth. The right canine been hurting slghtly since, but it got better little by little. Than, the hypochondriac in me felt it getting a LOT better, played with it and played with it, and then, around Feb. 20th, 2010….I think I had an abscess, not sure, it popped, pain was gone. (Also, when it popped I didnt get that foul smell or disgusting taste, which is why im confused what it was) It is a bottom tooth, the right canine. The problem is I have a small bump on my bottom gums (put your finger on the right canine, now go down. after you touch the pink gums, go to the reddish part. The bump is at the bottom (you can also have your tongue touch it, and go all the way as far down in your mouth as you can. That is where it is)The bump started….around the size of a grape. Now it is about the size of if you combine 3 pieces of corn back to back *MAYBE slightly bigger, but NOT much* So it has atleast been getting smaller, it defintely isnt getting bigger, which I read is a good thing. Also, the tooth doesnt hurt that much at all. If I tap it the bottom of the tooth, barely no pain at all. I tap the top of the tooth, small pain but not much. Biting down doesnt hurt much either, I can eat foods on that tooth if I have too. I try not too just to see if it will heal.So now is where I am at. I know most people will suggest root canal, but I really dont wanna just go right to a root canal if the tooth doesnt hurt badly. I just wanna try to take some natural methods before I just see a dentist and have a root canal. Also, I dont have the fiances for a root canal, and I really don’t wanna pull my right bottom canine. So im kind of stuck in limbo here. Ive been taking Cod Liver Oil and Fish Oil, which, like I said, have made it get a little smaller, and my gums look a lot better now too. If anyone can help me out, besides the “see a dentist” answer, that be awesome. I just do not have the fiances to see a dentist right now. 1600 for a RC and crown, I do not have that kind of cash. So, anyone know what home remedies I can do to make this bump go away? Any advice would be awesome, I tried to be descriptive as possible. Lastly, if the only advice is a RC, I really do not wanna go that route. (Ive read that is a last resort.)I wanna see if I can make this go down naturally first, rather than go through a drastic dental procedure. One last thing, if the bump isn’t getting bigger, and is getting smaller, that has to be good thing, right? Maybe Im just being impatient and need more time to see if it will heal? Im not sure, which is why I am here!Well, thanks for reading and if anyone can help this me out, I would appreciate it greatly!*I also just called in amoxcillian to see if that will help.*Thanks for all the help! Also Paula, did the bump in your mouth hurt, get smaller, did it annoy you for four year!? I know one day I need a dentist, but this has only been going on for a month at the most. Once again, thanks for all the help and any other natural suggestions I can do to get this bump down, please let me know?
A: OMG INFECTIONwww.naturalnews.com FTWuse ginger, tea tree oil, salt, colloidial silver for infection NOT antibiotics, fruits and veges, good luck, and go to that site.
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