What is good when you have an abscessed tooth

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A:You will need to see a dentist to have it properly taken care of. Food and drink may be difficult with this. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-when-you-have-an-abscessed-tooth ]
More Answers to “What is good when you have an abscessed tooth
What is good for an absessed tooth
A doctor is best for an abscessed tooth. There is no non-surgical way to treat it. It needs to be drained and tissue removed.
Is root canal on a 7 year old with an abscessed tooth the best op…?
If the tooth is a baby tooth then any infection results in an extraction. “baby” root canals, technically called pulpotomies, are performed when decay has entered the nerve but not yet caused an infection. If you can see a swellin…
When will I feel better after an extraction of an abscessed tooth…?
It is going to hurt to have it pulled when it is abscessed but it will feel better very soon after. I had one pulled while it was abscessed and it was very painful but I am very thankful I did it. I couldnt have stood the pain from the absc…

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what is a good way to alleviate tooth pain when you are not able to see a dentist.?
Q: i’ve tried over the counter meds (tylenol, advil, aleve.) Ice, heat, inflicting pain in another part of the body etc. (jk about the last part)its an abscessed tooth and i don’t have insurance currently and wont be eligible for insurance till may.i also tried various types of numbing gels. and i cant do the prushed aspirin around it because that does too much damage.
A: If it’s a back tooth have it pulled immediately, if the abcess continues in can be life theatening. Untreated tooth abscess is very dangerous. If abscessed tooth left untreated, the tooth infection can spread and you can lose your tooth or have other health problems. Left untreated, tooth abscess may compromise the immune system and in some cases may become life-threatening.A tooth abscess complication includes tooth loss, jaw bone damage, neighboring tooth damage or loss, sinus problems, brain abscess, heart damage, hospitalization, coma, and even death.Extraction only costs about $100 or so vs. $2000 or more for a root canal. Plus root canals are very dangerous. There is a lot of documentation to back that up. Check out some of the following sites:http://www.mercola.com/article/dental/rootcanal/root_canals.htmhttp://www.sacredconnections.co.uk/Health%20Awareness/Root%20canal%20treatment%20&%20mercury%20amalgam.htmIf you can, try to find a holistic dentist since most regular dentists will try to pressure you into having a root canal.In the meantime, try Orajel or a product like that. It immediately stops the pain, but if your tooth is really abcessed, then the Orajel is going to be less and less effective the longer you wait.
What can you do to take the pain and infection out of an abscessed tooth?
Q: This is when you are not able to afford to go to the Dentist and can follow instructions and care to fix yourself if you knew what to do? Please help I am in terrible pain, I know it is an abscessed tooth, I can see the puss inside the tissue and have released it before and felt lots better for many years without problems – only difference is this one isn’t busting on it’s own….Thanks for your Opinion of suggestions.
A: Any antibiotic will help your problem, but it will not fix it. An abscess can be life threatening, especially since you stated you have at least one other tooth that has an active infection also. If you cannot afford a root canal, then you need to have the tooth pulled and it should only cost about $150. If you cannot afford that then there are usually free dental clinics around the area. An infection can spread and i have seen it happen before to where the patient has had to be rushed to the emergency room.
Looking for advice/answers about tooth/gum abscess?
Q: Ok, so on Nov. 1 I woke up with a sore tooth, it was kinda sensitive to pressure, the tooth is right next to my front tooth on the right side, and I didn’t really think it was anything, and I thought the soreness would go away by the next day, cause I had experienced it a long time before and that’s what happened, but this time it just got worse, and I started to be in a lot of pain, and it was really bad, so much so that I would cry at times, and it takes really bad pain to make me cry, and it was really hard to go to sleep at night because of the pain, I didn’t really have any good pain medication to take for the pain, so I just had to suffer it out, and by the next week on Nov 10 the right side of my face was all swollen up pretty bad, I tried everything to try and get the swelling down, but nothing worked. I was in total agony and I knew I had a tooth or gum abscess, because I had throbbing and pain in my gum above the tooth, and there was a kinda lump formed in that area too (and I’m no stranger to having a tooth/gum abscess, having lost a back tooth to one in 2008, so I knew what it was right away). The tooth was really bothered by pressure, so once my face got swollen up, I knew it was pretty bad and I had to do something about it, so I went to the doctor, and not the dentist, because that would mean losing the tooth, and I really don’t want to lose a tooth that’s up in front, seriously, because that’s really ugly and noticeable (sorry, I don’t mean to offend anyone, but that’s just my opinion), and I don’t want to be left like that for the rest of my life, I’m only 19 years old =/. If the abscessed tooth were in back, I wouldn’t mind getting it out, I could live with that, but when it’s something in front and something that can be noticed very easily, it’s a whole different story, especially when people start looking at you different. (If I went to the dentist, he would just want to take the tooth out, and that would be my only option, because I don’t have any money for a root canal which would be the only other option besides getting the tooth out, and they are very expensive where I live, like around $700 I think, yes I think that’s expensive, and I don’t have that kind of money, and I don’t have any kind of dental plan that would cover having a root canal done, sadly, which is why I lost a back tooth to an abscess in 2008.)Anyway, I went to the doctor on Nov 12, and he prescribed me some good strong anti biotics to take for 10 days, they’ve brought all the swelling down in my face so far, and the lump that was above my tooth on the gum has gone down a lot, I don’t feel or see it there anymore, the anti biotics seem to have taken care of the infection that was hanging around there, and now it looks like it is healing, (hopefully that’s not too much to hope for =/) I’m not in pain anymore, and the throbbing has gone and my tooth isn’t really bothered by pressure now. My question is, could the abscess be gone for good now that the infection is gone and it seems like the gum is healing, (I know that’s alot to hope for) or is there a possibility that once I’m finished taking the anti biotics for the infection, it could come back twice as worse? If so, is there any way or anything I could do to prevent it from comming back? I’m really scared and worried about this, for real, and I don’t want to have to lose the tooth. Any good answers or advice would be greatly appreciated please.
A: First of all, a root canal is not good for your body… beware!!! look up the dangers of root canal they harbor more bacteria than you want ….if it’s an infection, what you want to do is go and buy hydrogen peroxide, soak your mouth with it, and try to repeat many times per day….in a few days hopefully it will be gone. but the real key to this is colloidal silver, look it up and go to healthfreedomusa.comantibiotics are ineffective if the microorganisms become resistant so the abscess could come back…colloidal silver never gets any bacterial resistancebtw… ur immune system is probably weak….lay off those processed food like cereal and poptarts, fast food, sodas…… stronger immune sys means less infections
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