What is an abscess in your mouth

Health related question in topics an Abscess .We found some answers as below for this question “What is an abscess in your mouth”,you can compare them.

A:A dental abscess is an infection of the mouth, face, jaw, or throat that begins as a tooth infection or cavity. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-abscess-in-your-mouth ]
More Answers to “What is an abscess in your mouth
How to get rid of an abscess in the mouth?
hi im doc rommel… quickest way? see a dentist asap. abscesses could be drained (should be done by a professional or else it will be infected.) or be dealt with meds (mainly by antibiotics.. type and verocity will be determined a dentis…
What Is a Mouth Abscess?
A mouth abscess is a localized collection of pus in the mouth. It is generally caused by a mouth infection. The infection can come from any structure in the mouth, including the teeth, gums, tongue or jaw. One factor which can contribute to…
Can you drain a mouth abscess at home?
You could, but it’s best your doctor do it. You may need a bout of antibiotics. The mouth takes longer to heal that any other part of your body.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What to do if you have an abscess in your mouth?
Q: I have what I believe is an abscess located in my mouth on my gum. I need some home remedies to help. I have tried pain med., baking soda, peanut butter, and vanilla extract. I have a high temperature and I am in allot of pain. So any helpful advice would be really appreciated. Thanks
A: Swish warm salt water around in your mouth while you find the phone number to your dentist! If he can’t see you immediately, head to the emergency room after you spit out the saltwater. This is nothing to fool around with. You can die from an abscessed tooth. Actually, before modern medicine, a whole lot of people died from mouth infections!
What is a home remedy for an abscess located in your mouth??
Q: I have allot of pain and a temperature from what I believe is an abscess, I was just needing some home remedies. It’s located in my mouth on my gum…pain medicine isn’t working, and my dentist can’t see me anytime soon. I have tried baking soda, vanilla extract, peanut butter, and aspirin. So thanks for all the helpful tips..
A: i suggest the use of OraMD, it is a natural oral medication i have been using when i was beset with bad breath, gum disease and oral health problems. it worked great in keeping bad bacteria and signs of gum disease away. it is also be that you pay close attention to oral and dental health. gum disease can be dangerous for it can cause a host of medical issues later on if left untreated. better maintain proper oral hygiene by proper brushing and flossing every after meal. regular visits to the dentist is very important to be taken for granted.
what are some natural ways to get rid of a swelling in your mouth?
Q: Like, in the gums? I think it might be an abscess.
A: i think there are some drops u can use, but maybe ice could make u better… it depends though on what caused the swelling! please check my question out to! thnx!http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090908125547AATeJFh
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