What is an abscess on the brain

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A:A brain abscess is an infection in the brain that is encapsulated and localized to one or more areas inside of the brain. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-abscess-on-the-brain ]
More Answers to “What is an abscess on the brain
What is an abscess on the brain
A brain abscess is an infection in the brain that is encapsulated and localized to one or more areas inside of the brain.
What is Brain abscess?
Brief description of Brain abscess: Pus accumulating into an abscess on the brain Parent types of Brain abscess: Brain conditions Abscess Organs Affected by Brain abscess: brain
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I hit my head a while ago, and it still hurts. Possible brain abscess? Something else?
Q: I was getting out of a bathroom stall at my school, and I hit my head on the lock. Hard. Soon afterwards, it caused a big bump, which healed after a few days. But the site of impact still hurts, and I get headaches every morning and occasional diarrhea. It might be due to my lack of sleep (I get about 6-8 hours of sleep a night) or the fact that I do 1 hour-1 hr 45 min of exercise a day, but I even get headaches throughout the day sometimes. I get very tired throughout the day as well, and my attention has been wandering about more easily than usual. I can still do schoolwork and concentrate on school, though, for the most part. I haven’t gotten any fevers, nausea, or vomiting, but I have gotten diarrhea and abdominal pain occasionally, even though I have a high-fiber diet. I bumped my head the same day the first Haitian earthquake occured, and these symptoms are still going on.There’s a few things I am thinking this could be. I’m thinking it might be a healing skull fracture, or maybe even a brain abscess, or both. I don’t think it’s a tumor, though, because my anatomy/physiology honors textbook gives symptoms that don’t appear to be like the ones I have.What could this possibly mean? I’m getting a little worried, and I could sure use some help!! Thanks!!Also, there are times when just the whole top of my head or the site of impact (the upper right corner of my head) hurts. There are even times when there’s minor pain spasms from the site of impact. I also have a large tooth cavity somewhere in my upper right teeth that almost (if it hasn’t done so already) reaches a nerve. Does that have anything to do with my headaches or does it worsen my head injury?
A: Most likely not an abscess. An abscess is a big infection. Just hitting your head would not cause an infection in the brain. Probably not a skull fracture either.My guess is a concussion. Or muscle spasms. Your best bet would be to check with a doctor just to make sure there’s nothing serious going on, although most likely now you’ll just have to wait for it to get better. You should also see the dentist and get that tooth fixed. Tooth decay can definitely cause headaches, and if it gets bad enough you can get an abscess in your mouth from the tooth.
What are the symptoms of a Brain abcess?
Q: Hello, I am a 14 year old boy. I am going to the dentist on monday to have 2 teeth out. I went to the dentist about 9 weeks ago and they said I need to have 2 milk teeth taken out because my adult teeth are not pushing them out. I was fine then for about 6 weeks, then all of a sudden I started to have a headache and a sore throat. The headaches are worse in the morning and in the night and if I think about them. The sore throat keeps on coming and going at random. And I feel very tired all day long. And I have a weird feeling in my feeling in my stomach. and my legs feel weird as well. And the teeth that I am having taken out are hurting, its like a throbbing pain when I eat or drinkAnd I a feeling that I have a sneeze stuck in my nose and I Carnot get it out.Do I have a brain abscess? or is it all connected.
A: I think that they are not connected. Your teeth hurt because the big teeth are pushing on them. As far as the rest, it may be the flu, or anything else.keep in mind, I am not a doctor. if you have any questions, your dentist would be the best person to talk to.
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