What kind of matter is in a boil

Health related question in topics Boils .We found some answers as below for this question “What kind of matter is in a boil”,you can compare them.

A:The center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-matter-is-in-a-boil ]
More Answers to “What kind of matter is in a boil
What kind of matter is in a boil
The center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the MORE?
Does it matter what kind of fuel the boiler/heater uses??
As long as the boiler/heater is running off and on-cycles to maintain the temperature of hot water or steam MicroTherm will reduce the fuel consumption regardless of what type of fuel your boiler/heater uses.

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Q: Men theese days I find are sexually motivated and intimacy moves them. What it all boils down to is if you don’t do it theres always another women that will. I have been called uptight on so many occasions, in the back of my mind I wonder if I am. In the world that we live in I find that you have to give men some sort of intimacy(even if it’s not sex) in order to keep them interested. So my question is what are some kinds of intimacy that you can give to a guy to let him know that your not so uptight? Let’s face it no matter what kind of guy you date he is sexual by nature.
A: You need to meet higher quality guys. Not all of us have such a complete lack of emotion that sex is the only motivator in our choice of a gf. Sex is the quick and easy way to get instant intimacy with no committment. But it doesn’t last and you wind up feeling used.If you have to KEEP him interested by using intimacy, I’m afraid he’s not worth keeping. Respect yourself more.
Help! A small Boil on my Penis?!?!?
Q: I’m 16, I have NEVER had sex and i masturbate regularly (i think i masturbated a bit too much over the last few days).A couple of days ago i just noticed a small boil on my penis.I dint do anything on the first day..The next day i applied an Ayurvedic cream which i usually apply when there are pimples on my face..since its Ayurvedic it doesnt have any side effects and hence i used it. The next day i noticed it had swollen a bit…(that is what usually happens when i get pimples on my face, on applying the cream, they swell and die on their own in a few days)…but i doubt it is because of the cream..i think its due to excessive masturbation or some kind of infection.is it a serious matter?!?.i would prefer doing something myself..cuz i obviously dont want my parents to know.but if its serious then i have no choice.plz help me!.it burns when i touch….i want to get rid of it as soon as possible….Ouch! P.S. If any proffessional out there is wiling to help me then u can mail me.Thanks!
A: you have two choices, you can let the boil grow until it gets a white cap and then pop it (be prepared for stained underware) or you can hike down to the pharmacy, buy a tube of boil cream (it’s under $5). The cream is oily and black but works in a couple of days.
Sunburn and tea? HELP!?
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A: I know that you’ve probably heard the aloe vera thing A LOT…believe me…but it really does help if you keep reapplying it. If you store it in the fridge, it can give you more of a relief when you first put it on.Mix a half-water, half-vinegar solution and apply it to the burn with a spray bottle or soaked cloth. This will sting a little bit at first, but it definitely pulls the burning sensation out of your sunburn.Ice packs (in small amounts of time) and cold cloths or compresses will also help to minimize the length of time that you have redness and should help with the swelling.Take lukewarm (room temperature) BATHS. Taking showers with too high of a water pressure could increase your pain. Taking a too-cold bath won’t help, and will make you freezing. And a too-hot bath runs the risk of burning you even more, or irritating the burn that you already have.Make sure that you drink PLENTY of water, in order to keep your body hydrated so you don’t develop a fever. If you do develop a fever, take an acetaminophen or an ibuprofen to help get rid of the fever and to minimize inflammation and swelling.If your sunburn is really bad and seems to be very painful, you may want to go see your doctor and get a prescriptive treatment.
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