Why can’t you wear makeup in surgery

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Makeup powers and creams can flake off particles that cause contamination of equipment or can cause infection. Chacha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-can%27t-you-wear-makeup-in-surgery ]
More Answers to “Why can’t you wear makeup in surgery
Why can’t you wear makeup in surgery
Makeup powers and creams can flake off particles that cause contamination of equipment or can cause infection. Chacha on!
Why can’t I wear makeup during surgery?
Makeup powers and creams can flake off particles that cause contamination of equipment or can cause infection. The idea is to have a clean, sterile, contained environment to operate. You certainly don’t want to end up with a bad infection j…
When can I wear eye makeup after surgery?
It is a good idea to buy new mascara after surgery to avoid infection and it is best to wait 1 week before using eye makeup.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why can’t I wear makeup during surgery?
Q: I’m having laparoscopic outpatient surgery in a few days and I can’t wear makeup. I know one reason is so they can monitor your skin color while you are out. But is it really wrong to wear a little concealer on some red spots and some powder? Don’t tell me I’m having surgery and who cares what I look like. It’s just that I never go out of the house with at least some foundation, concealer, powder and chapstick. I can get over the eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner!
A: Makeup powers and creams can flake off particles that cause contamination of equipment or can cause infection. The idea is to have a clean, sterile, contained environment to operate. You certainly don’t want to end up with a bad infection just because of vanity. You can put your make up on after you wake up if you feel like it. Your health is what is important.
Children, and teens. What is happening with them?
Q: Why are children becoming so bad these days? here’s what i mean:1. Girls are getting sluttier and sluttier and judgmental of one another2. Guys are getting more violent, and aggressive3. Little kids are beginning to swear at very young ages4. It seems that everyone is changing their hair color, getting piercings, girls are wearing too much makeup, plastic surgery, botox, and all that shallow shit.Can’t anyone be just happy with who they are these days???? For goodness sake look at the celebrities you see on t.v. For example lindsay lohan. She just couldn’t be happy what the way she looked because i’m sure she felt inside that she wasn’t like all the other celebrity females out there ( thin and beautiful-With makeup). So she dyes her hair blonde. I see that in a lot of teenagers these days and it worries me. Why are teenagers so insecure about how they look?? Why must girls have to hide their face with ten pounds of makeup? And why do guys think that in order to be a man you have to have muscle, pick up girls, and be a jerk-head? Let this sink in before you answer or comment.
A: havin muscle is good for u. it’s healthy. and u look and feel better.as for the “jerk head” part. i do that just cuz i like to.
Why is America such a conformist, fake, follower, shallow country?
Q: It’s a country where the bad, conformist, sociopathic, FAKE, phony, follower, suv driving, sunglasses wearing, pretentious soccer moms, pretty much judge and dissect and treat everyone that’s NOT like them like total garbage, and everyone is DYING to “fit in.”This country is such a joke. It crucifies you for being individualistic, and rewards conformity.Conformity rules over everything! You have to work , and work a great job, be happy, be good looking, be wealthy, so many things, you really can’t be yourself.We have countless of malls, makeup counters, books and tv shows on how to look great, plastic surgery, this that, everything.Why are we trying to please, other Ahole conformists who really don’t care about us anways? it’s silly and masochistic.Anyone else agree?People get self-conscious and want some form of an acceptance from the elite, or better off conformists in our society, when these people don’t care to begin with.What is wrong with this countryPeople say if you don’t like it move out, and I honestly could in a heart beat but I don’t know anyone and I can’t afford to.It’s not all bad but,seriously, this country feels like you’re living in some fake, matrix, quasi-reality, where everyone is a player, with those stupid ear phones, and sunglasses, and trying to be fast paced, sharp, etc.It sucks. there’s no soul here.It’s only money and work.
A: You speak in strong terms and I agree with most of what you say. This is not a culture that resonates for me, either, and I’ve found it useful to align myself to a culture that does. I don’t think everyone in the US is as you describe, even though it may be true of the majority. Rather than write a book here, I’ll just present one idea for you to consider:The reason for this mass insecurity is the fact that all media and advertising venues have an investment in convincing everyone that he is not good enough, she is not pretty enough, they are not rich enough.. and if you just buy a certain product, you will be everything you need to be. It panders to ego and power over soul and authenticity. Everything is about quantity over quality. There is a hollowness at the core. An emptiness… and it seems people spend their entire lives trying to fill that gaping hole inside of them with booze, drugs, shopping or sex. It’s a sick, sick culture! Very sick! I would have been unwilling to raise children here. Personally, I will be leaving. The only solution is to surround yourself with like-minded others and take comfort in that until and unless you find another place that will feed your soul. They’re out there. There are good people in the US. They’re just a bit harder to find. Don’t give up! I’ve starred this question so that I can check back and see what others have to say as well.
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